There are many routes down Table Mountain but none so elusive than the trail, which requires walking. Platteklip is the name of the main trail to walk down.
Other trails are less popular, 甚至吸引最常来的旅行者, 这些路线的名称不同, 但是你可以指望他们是一个挑战.
印度之窗, 桌山的路线名称, 被那些有攀岩技巧的人所青睐, 而骷髅峡谷是另一场球赛.
绿色, 葱郁茂密的雨林遍布骷髅峡谷路线, 和它, 迷路的机会. 听有关开普敦步道的这五个事实.
5 关于开普敦步道的事实
往下走,桌山通常是不容错过的茶. 桌山的严酷条件适合最好的徒步旅行者, 登山者, 和错误的人口.
桌山人行道构成了严酷的条件, 包括步骤数, 路线, 和连接的小径, 这会影响时间.
上桌山的平均步数约为 15 000, 我们会计算出这些步骤–陡峭的向下倾斜, 在下降的路上.
征服桌山需要特别注意这些 5 Facts about Cape Town walking trails. Start walking down Table Mountain well-equipped.
#1 Number of Steps
Look at your feet, then lookup. Table Mountain duration takes a while longer than most anticipate because of the number of steps to hike down.
Initiate a downwards walk with a pedometer and enough water to last you on the trail. Platteklip Gorge is the fastest route down while Skeleton Gorge the longest.
The number of steps on Platteklip is around 15 000 steps for an average hike down Table Mountain, while other courses are much more due to roundabouts.
Since the number of steps is least to walk down Table Mountain on with Platteklip, we recommend starting on the most common trail.
#2 Different Routes
Different routes down Table Mountain means that there are multiple options to descend the massive pathways. Those routes are linking and single.
Platteklip Gorge is the most common route, no need to go looking elsewhere for different ways. Unless an adventure is your thing, stick to Platteklip.
Other courses are named “India Venster,” “Skeleton Gorge,” and “Pipe Track.” All these trails have one thing in common, which we are exploring shows.
Commonalities of the above paths include things like joining trails. So that means that all three other trails at some or another point, join other trails.
#3 Joining trails
Most of the above trails, mainly India Venster, Skeleton Gorge, and Platteklip Gorge, have some way of joining other walking paths on Table Mountain.
There are more than 100 different trails to hike up the Table Top, so why not include the 1000’s of other combinations of hiking Table Mountain.
Visitors need not know them all! – Have to Catch Em All, 不是. Pokemon would be possible on the trail; 然而, we don’t recommend it without a map.
If you are a mountain enthusiast and have to catch them all, then take a moment to hire a proper guide, qualified in the art of basic walking.
#4 Walk downtime
The time it takes to walk down Table Mountain is around 3 hours of constant flip-flopping. Turn around and grab the Aerial Cableway with our tickets.
It’s faster to hike down in some seasons when the tickets queue is 3-4 hours for Table Mountain, but then we supply pre-purchased passes.
Enough about the walking time, it takes a fair amount of human resources, and a backpack filled with Twinkie treats – or biscuits if you are with your dog.
Count on the time it takes to walk down Table Mountain. It takes a good 3 或者 4 hours of hiking. That brings us to the safety of stepping down.
#5 Safety of walking down
Table Mountain has been in the news, allot more often for harmful than positive. 我们声明桌山独自远足时仍然很危险.
总是成群地远足桌山, 包括Platteklip之类的路径, Skeleton Gorge, and India Venster. 男子气概男人足够或女性平等.
桌山仍然是徒步旅行者犯罪的热点, 对于在天黑之前和之后停留在未知道路上的人来说也是危险的.
购买桌山门票的信息 丰富, 更安全, 比走路更方便. 我们建议您早点赶上潮流.
综上所述, Table Mountain is a National Park with beautiful walking trails, some dangerous and others not. We recommend taking the cable car in Cape Town.
Safer and more convenient than walking down Table Mountain, the Aerial Cableway takes under five minutes to descend the flat mountain.
Bring a day backpack with you if you are a hiker, enthusiast and trail expert who wants to experience it all, make sure to have our tickets one-way.
Most people hike up and take the cable car down, a preferred method of arranging one’s schedule for a Cape Town day trip on Table Mountain.
Afterward, there is so much more to do, like Cape Point, Cape of Good Hope and Boulders Beach. All the time in the world couldn’t be enough for Cape Town.
Enjoying the Mother City can be a perspective-taking holiday, Table Mountain and all with its top-class pristine views over Cape Town.
Once the holiday is complete, be sure to review some photos of the time you went walking down Table Mountain, it is sure to bring back real times.
照片并不是享受开普敦的唯一途径, 徒步旅行者可以在没有相机的情况下上桌下山.
都, 徒步上桌山和下山的绝佳选择, 或坐缆车. 在我们的网站上提前预订桌山门票.
徒步旅行需要鞋子, 遮阳帽, 和 我们建议您使用更多的东西 在我们有关桌山天气和带来的物品的其他文章中找到.
花一点时间思考; 您的旅程尚未开始. 旅程还没有结束, and the fun has just begun, look forward to the Table Mountain adventure this season.