Amathikithi e-Table Mountain

Isipiliyoni sikaFred

UFred no-Anna babeyizithandani zobuzwe obuvela e-United States of America nase-Ukraine. Bobabili babenemisebenzi ehlukile. UFred wayengumqambi wohlelo lokusebenza, ukusebenza ikakhulu nge-WordPress, futhi u-Anna wayengummeli futhi enguchwepheshe wezilimi eziningi, ukukhuluma kahle izilimi ezihlukene eziyisikhombisa. Babefuna ukuza eKapa futhi bazizwele i-Table Mountain National Park, kepha babengenaso isiqiniseko salokho okusha 7 I-Wonder of Nature bekufanele inikele ngokuya ezintabeni, ikhebula imoto, ukuhamba, imizila, futhi nokuningi! Ngakho-ke benze into ehlakaniphe kakhulu ukuyenza kuwebhu, okuyi - “Google it!.”Bavele basesha amatemu ku-Google“ Amathikithi eTable Mountain ”kwaqhamuka izingxenye zokusesha, kufaka phakathi izindleko ze 2020 kanye newebhusayithi iTablemountaintickets.com. Kubuyekezwe ngolwazi ku-Aerial Cableway yonyaka 2020.

UFred wayefuna ukuhlela izinto, ukuba onengqondo, wazama ukuhlela nokuthenga kusengaphambili amathikithi okubuyisa eLower Aerial Cableway eKapa kusasele usuku ukuthi afike esikhumulweni sezindiza. Ukubhuka ngocingo lwakhe, he typed in the URL of the website to buy ticketstablemountantickets.com and out popped the latest information with ticket times, izindleko, and availability for the next day. Taking out his credit card, he saw that the website also had an option to pay with PayPal, because he was from the US, this was the preferred option for many users of internet shopping. Amathikithi e-Table Mountain, purchased in many ways, including online with a credit card, PayPal, and also some new options, only available to the VIP cable car guests of Table Mountain. Low-cost options were available for students.

The following day was also a beautiful day in Cape Town; the weather forecast said sunny with almost no chance of rain. Autumn in Cape Town had this unique air to it, like a fresh, breezy day with little incidences of cloudy or overly windy conditions. Anna had researched the best time to stay in Cape Town and up came the month which they had chosen; they had only planned for a week before, but that was okay given that the weather in Cape Town had shown promising results for up to a month before arrival. Airlines were all advising now that prices were good for flights to Cape Town, and people could rest assured of low-cost flights from New York to Cape Town for as little as a few hundred Dollars, USD. The Dollar was loud now, so Fred thought now would be a good time to buy flights from NYC to CPT.

That was when he assured Anna that they were going to take some time off work in the Big Apple to find nature and lush green mountainsides on the slopes of Cape Town, Iningizimu Afrika. It was the right decision because the following week, the prices of flights increased, and the Table Mountain Aerial Cable Car would begin it’s annual maintenance plan, closed for two weeks – Not a good omen if visiting the Mother City of Cape Town. Two weeks could mean the difference between taking the Cable Car or maybe even hiking Table Mountain with a tour guide service like the free Table Mountain tours. City sightseeing only offered transport to the Lower Aerial Cableway from Long Street, the office of City Sightseeing took them directly to the Cable Car. Anna planned that they would take the red bus on the day to sightsee Cape Town city. It was taking them in the morning to the Cable Car at the earliest open time. 8:00 ngi, and the Aerial Cableway was accessible to many people flocking to board the first shuttle up the mountain.

Anna and Fred, having purchased the tickets a day in advance, received confirmation of Table Mountain tickets by email in the morning on the day they were arriving. Since both were new to Cape Town, as American visitors, they took the time to read the blog at Table Mountain tickets, which was a primary source of information on the Cable Car, including things like times, opening hours, rates, and cost. The blog even had information on wild animals like Dassies and more safety advice for using the Table Mountain Aerial Cableway and visiting Cape Town, Iningizimu Afrika. Ann had read that by using her tickets to go to Table Mountain; she was likely to see Baboons and wild mammals upon arriving at the Upper Aerial Cable Car Station. Nokho, this fact was checked with websites like Table Mountain Tickets and deemed untrue based on the frequency of their sightings.

Dassies, nokho, are a common sighting on Table Mountain, can be seen upon entry at the Upper Aerial Cableway, and are friendly towards visitors. Next on their list was to return on the Cable Car and use their tickets to see the 360-degree view of the Mother City before Table Mountain sunset. Return tickets were valid for a one-way or return trip on the Aerial Cableway, so they used their card after about 4 hours of visiting Table Mountain and sightseeing Cape Town.

Table Mountain Tickets is an informational website for visitors to research the Cable Car, Aerial Cableway, Ithikithi leTable Mountain, izikhathi, and cost. Amathikithi athengwe ngaphambilini ku-inthanethi ayiphasela elihlanganisiwe eliya kwi-Cable Car, bese kudlulela kwiCable Car kuyisevisi yesibili uma kuqhathaniswa nolwazi.

U-Anna noFred bakwazile ukuthola imininingwane ebuyekeziwe kwi-Cable Car, Aerial Cableway, namathikithi eTable Mountain, kufaka phakathi izindleko namahora abuyekeziwe, nokuthi iCable Car ibivuliwe yini. Ucwaningo lwabo lubasize kakhulu, ngoba kube ngabokuqala ukugibela i-Cable Car nokungena ku-Upper Aerial Cableway ekuseni, usuku ngemuva kokufika kwabo, ngaleyo ndlela sishaya ulayini futhi sithole ukubukwa okuhle kakhulu kweTable Mountain. ICape Town ibe yinto enhle kakhulu kubona ngalezi zithikithi zokubuya.

Olandelayo, U-Anna noFred babefuna ukuyobona iSeal Island ibhukuda nezimpawu, kodwa lokho bekungokuhlangenwe nakho okuhlukile kokuhlela kanye nokuvakasha okwehlukile eKapa okubiza amanye amagama amaningi nesikhathi esithe xaxa.