Amatikiti eNtaba yeTafile: Table Mountain Cableway 2022

Kubalulekile Kapa Iingcebiso zokucwangcisa Kwaye Amatikiti Kuba Intaba yeTafile

Ulwazi kwi Imoto yekhebula yaseKapa kwaye Amatikiti eNtaba yeTafile ngamaxabiso aphantsi kwe 2022.

10 Izinto onokuzenza kwiNtaba yeTafile eKapa

Uninzi lwabantu abatyelela iTable Mountain eKapa, uya kuqhutywa ukuba abuze imibuzo. “ungenza ntoni kwiNtaba yeTafile?”, umbuzo omhle.

  • Ukufota – Iphulo lokujikeleza intaba.

Iphakame kakhulu ngaphezu kweKapa. INtaba yeTafile iyaziwa ngokuphakama kwayo ngaphezu komphakamo wolwandle kunye nemibono. Yiza nekhamera kwiNtaba yeTafile okanye nakwi-smartphone.

  • Intaka ibukele – Khangela iintaka emithini.

Kukho iintaka ezininzi kwiNtaba yeTafile kunye nethuba lokubukela iintaka. Iintaka zininzi. Kukho iintlobo ezininzi zeentaka kwiNtaba yeTafile.

  • Ukubona indawo – Jonga iKapa ukusuka phezulu.

Abo bajonge ukubona umbono ovela kwiTheyibhile yeMat. Kakhulu – Thatha eKapa ukusuka phezulu kumphakamo wolwandle. Umboniso weKapa ukusuka phezulu kulwandlekazi lweAtlantiki.

  • Indalo – Iintlobo zezityalo ezahlukeneyo kunye nezilwanyana zasendle.

Indalo ininzi ngeendlela ezininzi, iimilo, kunye nobukhulu. Nokuba yeyiphi na into onomdla kuyo kokusingqongileyo. Kukho indalo eninzi ukuba wonke umntu eze kwaye azuze.

  • Uyahamba -Iindlela ezininzi zokuhamba kwiNtaba yeTafile.

Iikhilomitha zeendlela ezigangathiweyo ukuhamba phezulu. Indlela eyenziwe kakuhle esuka kwi-Aerial Cableway ukuya naphi na apho intliziyo yakho inqwenela khona. Hamba phezu kweNtaba yeTafile.

  • Ukunyuka intaba -Iindlela ezenzelwe inqanaba ngalinye.

Ukuhamba ngentaba yeTafile kunokuthatha usuku okanye ngaphezulu, kuxhomekeke kwindlela ekhethiweyo. Onke amanqanaba ahlukeneyo obunzima kunye nobunzima. Iindlela zokunyuka kuye nabani na.

  • Ukuthenga -Ivenkile yeTafile encotsheni.

Ukuthenga phezu kweNtaba yeTafile yodwa. Thenga izinto ezikhethekileyo zalapha, kuquka neKumkani Protea. Thenga phezu kweCableway kwivenkile yezikhumbuzo.

  • Yitya ukutya -Isidlo esimnandi sekhefi kunye ne-buffet.

Ukutya. Yitya indlela yakho kwizidlo ezimnandi zaseKapa, kuquka biltong – (iqhekeza lenyama yaseMzantsi Afrika efana nenyama yenkomo), isiselo somdiliya, kunye nokuninzi! Kukho i-buffet kwi-Upper Aerial Cableway restaurant café yonke imihla.

  • Sela – Zonke iintlobo zotywala obumnandi.

Yiza nesiselo sakho kunye nawe okanye usele ngaphezulu. Zombini ikofu, iti, kunye nebhiya okanye iwayini zaseMzantsi Afrika ziyafumaneka phezulu kwi-Table Mountain café.

  • Phola – thatha umzuzwana uphefumle.

Ikhefu kubomi besixeko esixakekileyo. Ubomi esixekweni bunokuba nzima ngamanye amaxesha. Thatha ixesha lokuphumla kwaye uphefumle umoya omtsha waseKapa.

  • Usapho – Yiza nosapho usuku.

Iintsapho zamkelekile phezu kweNtaba yeTafile ngokujongwa ngabantu abadala, Amatikiti eTafile eNtabeni sisikhokelo sakho samatikiti e-Cableway kwi-intanethi - kuzo zonke iindwendwe ezifuna ukwazi ngakumbi malunga nemoto yentambo. Phatha abo ubathandayo. Yisa usapho lwakho encotsheni yeNtaba yeTafile.

Ixesha olifunayo kwiNtaba yeTafile eKapa

Thatha umphefumlo onzulu, phumla kwaye uzibuze, “Udinga ixesha elingakanani kwiNtaba yeTafile?” Kuzolile, kuzolile kwaye kuluhlaza entabeni.

Ixesha leTable Mountain elifunekayo lixhomekeke kuhlobo lomntu kunye nomdla wabo phezulu. Uninzi lwabakhenkethi luchitha ixesha elaneleyo lokuzonwabisa.

Ubungakanani bexesha olifunayo kwiNtaba yeTafile kuxhomekeke kwinto oza kuyenza apho. Kucetyiswa ngokupheleleyo ukuthatha iiyure ezimbalwa ukuphumla ngokufanelekileyo.

Iiyure ezine lixesha elicetyiswayo lokuphumla enye yeTable Top. Uninzi lwabantu luthatha umndilili we 2-3 iiyure, kodwa oko kunokwandiswa ngexesha lemozulu entle.

Table Mountain Cable Car Amatikiti For 2022

I-Aerial Cableway ngumatshini omangalisayo kuMbindi waseKapa. I-Cableway yenza kube lula ukunyuka. Uninzi lwabantu luyenyuka, sebenzisa uthutho olubandakanya inkqubela phambili yetekhnoloji yanamhlanje kunye ne-cableway pulley endala.

Esi sakhiwo yayilinyathelo leMother City lokuzisa ukhenketho eMzantsi Afrika. Ukusukela ngoko, ngaphaya 28 abatyeleli abazizigidi baye banyuka nge-funicular. Itheyibhile Ukuphakama kweNtaba phezulu 1 ikhilomitha (3280.84 iinyawo) phezulu kwaye inemozulu eyahlukileyo kwisixeko esijikelezileyo.

Ngexesha lokugquma kwamafu, ukukhwela kunyuka ilitye elikhulu emafini.

Ukuphakama kweNtaba yeTafile yeyona nto ibalulekileyo yokususa kummangaliso wendalo. Incopho emangalisayo sisihlandlo esikhumbulekayo kwabo bakhetha ukudlula kwilitye elikhulu ngakwiLiwa elikhulu leAerial Cableway..

Izivumelwano, kuquka nezikhethekileyo zomhla wokuzalwa, isaphulelo esidumileyo saseKapa, ziyafumaneka ngamaxesha apha enyakeni. Enye yezo zikhethekileyo, iR90 ekhethekileyo, ithandwa ngabemi baseMzantsi Afrika.

Amaxabiso, kuquka neendleko zokuya eTafelberg, kuxoxwe ngokweenkcukacha. Nokuba sithini na isihlandlo kwaye naliphi na ixesha, i-funicular ikhona ukonwabela indawo yendalo.

Amatikiti okuya eTable Mountain Cableway

Fumana amapasi ngale sayithi ukuze ufikelele kubunzima bamatye. Thenga iivawutsha kwangaphambili ngexesha lonyaka njengoko amaxabiso abekiwe ngoku. Kutheni ungazami ukuodola kwi-intanethi? Esinye sezo zizathu zokufumana kwangaphambili.

Imigca mide. Ngexesha lobunzima, imigca yandisa. Ukungena kwabakhenkethi kuqinisekisa ukusetyenziswa kwento yomhlaba enkulu. Sithelekisa amapasi e-express kuwo nawaphi na amanye amatikiti ekonsathi, amatikiti ezemidlalo, okanye amatikiti endiza.

Kukho iindawo zokungena umntu anokuzithenga ukuze azisebenzise kwi-Aerial Cableway, kuthelekiswa nokuthenga amatikiti emsebenzini. Izahlulo zokuzalwa zeCable Car kwaye ziyafumaneka ezo zinamakhadi ezazisi aseMzantsi Afrika; abakhenkethi banokufumana iNtaba yeTafile kuphela ngokusebenzisa iwebhusayithi yethu.

Bona iinkcukacha zezinye iivawutsha kunye nezo zaphulelo kubaphambukeli benyuka ilitye elivuthuza ingqondo besebenzisa iCableway. Enye into, ukutyelela incopho emile kakuhle ngalo naliphi na ixesha lonyaka, abantu abaninzi bayakhuphisana emgceni ukunyusa incopho ephakathi.

Ngokuthenga ukwamkelwa kwi-intanethi ngokusebenzisa le webhusayithi, abakhenkethi bazinika ixesha phezu kweqela labahambi, ujonge ukunyuka iliwa eliphakamileyo ngexesha lemozulu entle yaseTafelberg.

Amaxabiso akhethekileyo ngoku abonwa kwiwebhusayithi, loo maxabiso athotyiweyo ayasebenza kumatikiti abhukishwe kwangaphambili. Ungaphoswa bubuso belitye obungakholelekiyo! Kukho izinto onokuzibona. Kuninzi ekufuneka kwenziwe eKapa kunokuba abantu banokucinga.

Amatikiti eWebhu eTafile eNtabeni yeCableway

Umntu unokubuza ukuba iindwendwe kufuneka zithenge phi iipasi. Ngumbuzo omhle lowo, kwaye sithetha ukuxoxa ngeenkcukacha malunga nendlela abahambi abanokuthenga ngayo amapasi e-express. Thenga ukwamkelwa kwincopho ye-rock star kwiindawo eziqhelekileyo. Masingazifumani iinkcukacha ezininzi, kuba siza kuxoxa ngokuthenga iivawutsha kwi-intanethi ngewebhusayithi yethu.

Abemi boMzantsi Afrika, abo babambe isazisi esisebenzayo, inokuthenga kuphela izinto ezikhethekileyo zomhla wokuzalwa, kuquka specials, ukutshona kwelanga okukhethekileyo, kunye ne-R90 ekhethekileyo. Kuba uninzi lwabantu lunyuka, abakhenkethi-abasuka kwamanye amazwe, iinketho ziquka ukuthenga e-cards online.

Eyona ndlela ingcono yokuthenga amangeno kwi-intanethi kudlula ngathi kuba ukuthenga iivawutsha kwindawo yethu kukhuselekile. Uninzi lweentengiso zamatikiti ezifana ne-PNP kunye nabanye abathengisi bamatikiti ewebhu abagcini ixesha. Kananjalo abo bathengisi abakulungele ukuhlawula ngemali ekhethiweyo.

IiNgcaciso zamatikiti eTafile eNtabeni

Thenga ukwamkelwa? Indawo elungileyo kunye nathi! Akukho mfuneko yokufuna iivawutsha ze-e kwenye indawo, okanye ulwazi, ngokuba apha, sixoxa ngendlela abakhenkethi abazithenga ngayo izinto ezikhethekileyo. Iivawutsha zithengwe kwangaphambili, ngengxaki encinci ngevenkile yethu. Kwabo bemi baseMzantsi Afrika bafuna i-wildcard ekhethekileyo okanye usuku olulodwa lokuzalwa, zifumaneka kubemi baseMzantsi Afrika kuphela, kwaye ezo nkcukacha ziyafumaneka ngokuqhagamshelana ne-TMACC. Ngoku, kubaphambukeli abandwendwela indawo, ezikhethekileyo kwilitye elikhulu elikhulu, wonke umntu uyothuka!

Kuba asithengisi kuphela amatikiti ewebhu, ulwazi oluninzi lukhona kunokuba umntu anokucinga. Izinto zokufunda zibandakanya ukuba isebenza kangaphi i-Aerial Cableway? Ngaba iiMoto zeCable zivuliwe, Uqhagamshelwano lwaseTafelberg, kunye neshedyuli yokulondolozwa konyaka.

Inyathelo lokuqala ekuqaliseni kukuthenga ukungena kwincopho enkulu ngathi. Emva kokuba kwenziwe intlawulo, Nceda thatha umzuzwana ufunde kwicandelo le FAQ. Jonga iindleko zamva nje zeTable Mountain. Ezo ndleko ziquka amaxesha okufola kunye nelona xesha lilungileyo lokutyelela.

Tafelberg Cable Car

Thenga ukungena kwiwebhusayithi yethu. Izinto ezikhethekileyo zomhla wokuzalwa zifuna ukuthengwa buqu kwi-Aerial Cableway, kunye nesazisi saseMzantsi Afrika esisebenzayo. Iimeko kwincopho yasemhlabeni ziyi-iffy. Fumanisa kwangaphambili ukuba athini amaqondo obushushu ngosuku.

Amapasi okukhwela kunye namaxesha okufola axhomekeke kwimozulu, ke zama ukukhangela uGoogle. Mhlawumbi iindwendwe kufuneka ziphinde zibhukishe ukukhwela eTafelberg ngolunye usuku. Iintsuku ezininzi, imisebenzi iyaqhuba kwaye ayitshintshi iiyure zokusebenza.

Kukho ukujija; ngamaxesha, uthutho kufuneka luvalwe ngenxa yemozulu embi. Ngaloo maxesha, kungcono ukubuza kukhangelo lwewebhu koku kulandelayo 14 iintsuku.

Indawo yokubona iStop Kufuphi neCable Car

Ekutyeleleni incopho evuthuza ingqondo, makhe sithathe umzuzwana sixoxe ngesitophu seSixeko sokuJonga. Indawo yomdla, ibekwe ngaphandle kwe-funicular. Kukho indawo yokumisa ecaleni kwe-Aerial Cableway apho iindwendwe zinokutsiba zize zitsibe ukuze zikhwele.

Ukhenketho luyafumaneka kwisikhululo esiphezulu ngeyure, ishedyuli ye-TMACC iyasebenza. Kukho ezinye iindlela zokutyelela ubungakanani obubalaseleyo bencopho, kuquka nokuthatha uhambo lwabucala ngexesha lasemini ukuya kwindawo yokupaka iTafelberg Road.

Oko kuziqhuba kuyakufumana kunzima ngeentsuku ezininzi ukufikelela kwiZiko leeNdwendwe ngaphandle kokhuphiswano lokupaka.

Kanye apho, iziko lolwazi lwabatyeleli lisekunene, jonga ngasekhohlo, kwaye utsibe ukutsiba uphuma kwiRed Bus. Iiyure zokuvula zezo zinomtsalane, ichatshazelwa yimozulu, kunye nokusebenza kuvalwe ngexesha leemeko ezinzima.

Oko kuthetha ukuba kumoya onamandla kunye neentsuku ezinemvula, kungangcono ukufumana iinkcukacha zoqhagamshelwano ukujonga ukuba iCable Car ivuliwe na. I-funiculars ivalwa iiveki ezimbini apha enyakeni ukuze ilungiswe ngonyaka, kodwa, ngeli xesha, amangeno awafumaneki kwisiza, kunye neeyure zeCableway zivaliwe. Ukujonga ngakumbi, qhubeka ufunda.

Table Mountain Cable Car Imithombo For 2022

Wowu, umzi awukholeleki! Imimangaliso ilindele abo baya eTafelberg, uMmangaliso oMtsha oSixhenxe weNdalo. Abo bakhaliphileyo ukutyelela basenokuba baqhelene nokhuseleko, isihloko esixhalabisa kakhulu kwezo ndwendwe ziza eNtshona Koloni.

Ayimangalisi ke into yokuba abantu abaninzi bewujonga uMzantsi Afrika njengendawo egquba ulwaphulo-mthetho ehlabathini! Isithili semetropolitan sisemngciphekweni. Iindawo ezihlala ulwaphulo-mthetho zinike ingxelo engaphantsi kwaleyo yaseRhawutini, kodwa ibalulekile kuloyiko. Ngabantu abaninzi abangaphezulu 4.5 abantu abazizigidi, ummandla waseKapa sisixeko esincinane esikhulu.

INtshona Koloni inkulu ngokwaneleyo ukuba ibe neentlobo ngeentlobo ezininzi.

Iihotele zaseKapa zibonelela abakhenkethi abaninzi abavela kwihlabathi liphela, ukusuka kwi-backpackers ephantsi ukuya kwi-high-end, iihotele ze-boutique zeenkwenkwezi ezintlanu. Izakhiwo eCamps Bay Main Rd., Clifton yesine, kunye nokujikeleza ulwandle lweAtlantiki luyakhula. Imisitho ezayo yeKapa iyaphithizela!

Uninzi lwabantu luyonwabela imeko yetheko engayekiyo ebonelelwa liNtshona Koloni, ngcono kunamanye amaAfrika. Eyona ncopho iphakamileyo yenye yezo ndawo umntu anokubona izinto ezinokwenzeka ezingenasiphelo eMzantsi Afrika.

Ukhenketho alupheli apho, kunye nokuhamba (ukuhamba) sisiXeko esithandwayo eTafelberg nakwiLion’s Head. Ukunyuka, zombini iincopho zinika amathuba olonwabo olungenasiphelo. Abo bangakhululekanga ukunyuka incopho enamatye banokukhetha iMoto yeCable, ukuthatha iindwendwe ukuya kwindawo ephakamileyo yokuphakama kweNtaba yeTafile.

Imihlathi embalwa elandelayo inika abatyeleli isishwankathelo seCableway kunye nePaki yeSizwe. Akukho nqaku ligqityiweyo ngaphandle kokukroba kukhenketho lwaseKapa. Ngoko ke makhe sihlolisise incopho yeAfrika. Imibuzo? Linda de kube sekupheleni kwenqaku, apho siphendula i-FAQ kwiingcebiso zethu ezikhawulezayo.

I-funicular yombane yenye indlela yokunyuka intaba ende. Umntu kufuneka enze isigqibo kwangaphambili ukuba anyuke na kwaye asebenzise indlela yokubuya okanye athathe iCableway zombini.

Sinokuthenga amaxabiso akhethekileyo entaba kwi-intanethi kwiwebhusayithi yethu. Kunye namakhadi kuza neenyaniso ezivuyisayo kwisikhumbuzo sembali yaseMzantsi Afrika, kuquka ubude kunye nezalathiso, kuquka nendlela yokuya khona.

Kukho iifoto ezingaqhelekanga zokutshona kwelanga ezenziwe ngendlela yazo kumajelo eendaba kutsha nje. I-TMACC yaseka ishishini kwiminyaka engamashumi amabini eyadlulayo, exhasa uhlaziyo oluninzi. Uhlaziyo lwamva nje lwenzeke kulondolozo lonyaka.

Ishishini ngelo xesha linyuse amaxabiso kwiCable Car, njengoko besenza lonke ixesha lonyaka elixakekileyo. Amaxabiso aqhuma ngokusekelwe kwimfuno ye-shuttle kunye nenyaniso yokuba ithuthe ngaphezulu 28 abatyeleli abazizigidi ukususela ekuvuleni.

Ukuya kufika kobu bugxwayiba besakhiwo esikwindlela iTafelberg, umntu makathathe isithuthi sikawonke-wonke okanye enze amalungiselelo akhe. Fikelela kwisakhiwo seCableway ngayo nayiphi na indlela oyithandayo.

Imikhomba-ndlela yesitishi esisezantsi iqala ngokubheka phezulu ukuya kwindlela engumnqantsa ngemoto, unyawo, okanye ibhayisekile. Ukuqhubela phambili, hlola iimpawu ezikhokela iindwendwe kwisikhululo sesiseko. Kukho isikhululo sebhasi yeMyCiTi ngasekunene njengoko iindwendwe zingena kwindawo yokupaka.

Ngasekhohlo, a Red Bus stop Khangela imozulu kwangaphambili ukuseta ukuba ukukhwela iyasebenza ngomhla usebenzisa amakhadi. IiSpecials ezisebenzayo kwi-funicular azikho ngenye imini, emva koko iprintwe kwii-e-vawutsha.

Sivumela abantu basemzini ukuba bathenge ukungena kwi-intanethi ngathi, kwaye zisebenza iintsuku ezisixhenxe ukusuka kwirejista.

Ulwazi lwePaki yeSizwe yeTafile

Isenzeko sendalo esithatha amakhulukhulu eekhilomitha (okanye iimayile), incopho ejijekileyo yindawo ekhuselweyo. Xa kuthelekiswa neendawo ekuchithelwa kuzo iiholide ezinkulu ehlabathini, indawo yokuphumla ekhuselweyo nguMmangaliso weNdalo oMtsha weNdalo. Imirhumo yokungena ePaki iyahluka ngokuxhomekeke ekungeneni okufunekayo, kunye nemirhumo yeCableway iyasebenza kubakhenkethi abathatha i-funicular.

Ufuna ukutyelela incopho phezulu ngeCable Car? Ipaki ayinazo iiyure zokuvula, ukukhwela kwenza. Ekubeni inkampani igcina iCableway ejikelezayo. Abanini belitye lesikhumbuzo elisezintabeni ngurhulumente waseMzantsi Afrika kunye nezahlulo ze-SANParks.

Ezothutho, ilawulwa yibhodi yeTrasti yeTMACC. Lo mmandla ungakholelekiyo unezilwanyana zasendle kunye nendalo ekhuselweyo kwimeko yolondolozo yendawo yokundwendwela. Izilwanyana zasendle ezibonelelwa ngulo myezo wendalo ziquka iintlobo zezilwanyana zasendle, iintaka, izinambuzane, nezirhubuluzi. Izilwanyana ezanyisayo zamatye, kuquka amaqhina, zixhaphake ngaphezu kokuba umntu ecinga.

Imisebenzi imalunga nokubukela iintaka, ukuhamba intaba, kunye nokubona izilwanyana zasendle, njengesafari! Imephu yendawo iyafumaneka kwikhawuntara yolwazi londwendwe, kufutshane nedesika yolwazi lwabakhenkethi. Isenokubiza ixabiso letikiti.

Iimephu, ayifunwa ngokungagqibekanga, kuba indlela yokuhamba ithe tye ukuhamba! Akukho mntu wakhe wafuna isikhokelo esongezelelweyo ngosuku apho i-Aerial Cableway ephezulu ixakekile. Ngoko khuphela imaphu kwi-intanethi okanye uthenge enye apho.

Isikhokelo soKhenketho esisemthethweni saseKapa

Indawo yethu inesikhokelo esibanzi kukhenketho lwaseKapa ukukhokela iindwendwe kunye nokufumana imigangatho echanekileyo yokukhokela abakhenkethi ukuya kwincopho yeentaba.. Ukhuseleko yinkxalabo yethu yokundwendwela abahambi bamazwe ngamazwe.

Indawo ichaphazela amava kunye nokhuseleko lomntu. Iihotele zaseNtshona Koloni zininzi. Sincoma kuphela ukuhlala ngaphakathi kwemimandla yaseMbindi kunye ne-Atlantic Seaboard. Ngoba? Ukufikelela ngokulula, kodwa ukhuseleko lolunye.

Okunye kukutyelela iMother City ngeenyanga ezixakekileyo, ngelixa uMzantsi Afrika ujongene nemozulu entle.

Ezizodwa ziyafumaneka xa imibutho yezokhenketho yaseKapa ilindele ezona ndwendwe zininzi. Amatikiti aseTafelberg athengwe kwangaphambili ngeCable Car okanye ukunyuka iTafile mountain. Yenza uhambo ngokulandela izikhokelo zokhuseleko.

Abasebenzisi be-intanethi balwe ixesha elide kwaye kunzima malunga nokhuseleko. Musa ukuba lixhoba lolwaphulo-mthetho lwaseKapa. Ukulandela isikhokelo samava abanye kuthetha ukuba umntu uya kuba kwindlela yakhe yokutyelela ngaphandle kwesikhokelo kunye nokufumana amaxabiso angcono.

Mamela uphononongo lwabanye kwaye ufumane amatikiti ewebhu kwindawo yokuqala yabakhenkethi ngaphambili ukonwabela ukonga iindleko kunye nemiba yokhuseleko.. Kutheni iindwendwe zifuna ukutyelela i-iconic pinnacle? Makhe sixubushe izizathu.

Imoto yeCable yeSizwe yaseMzantsi Afrika.

Umhlaba waseAfrika ulikhaya kumtsalane omnye odumileyo wabakhenkethi. Amaqhawe aziwayo oMzantsi Afrika aquka uNelson Mandela. Ukususela kwiimvumi ukuya kwabezopolitiko, abantu abadumileyo abasuka kuMazantsi eHemisphere baquka iinkokeli zamandulo nezangoku.

Abafuna inkululeko, abamhlophe nabantsundu, yaqinisekisa ukuba idemokhrasi ilandela ulawulo lwasemva kocalucalulo. Namhlanje sinomceli mngeni wokugcina loo demokrasi yalwela ixesha elide kunye nohambo olude oluya enkululekweni, ngokunjalo imelwe encwadini, iboniswe kwiCable Car.

Ukuphakama luphawu lwenkululeko kubantu basekhaya, ukuba yingxoxo kunye nesihloko samazwi eemvumi ezininzi ezidumileyo zaseMzantsi Afrika. IKapa ngumxube wenguqu kwezenkcubeko, iimvumi ezidumileyo, kunye nabezopolitiko bexesha lethu kunye nasemva kocalucalulo uZuid Afrika.

Ukuhamba ngeenyawo kwisiXeko saseMother kubonisa imizabalazo yexesha elidlulileyo kwaye kwenza indlela yemibono yexesha elizayo yezo nkokeli zaseMzantsi Afrika ezoyisa imingeni yezopolitiko kunye neyobuntu..

Ukuqulunqwa kufuneka kubonise abanye, ukomelela; abaninzi bayayazi eyona ndawo iphezulu yeflattop. Kwakungasoloko kunjalo. Kwiminyaka engamakhulu amathathu anamashumi amathathu ezigidi eyadlulayo-incopho inokuba yayisemazantsi olwandle.

Iyanyuka ukujongana nemingeni yayo, iliwa lifanekisela ukomelela nomanyano. Intloko yeengonyama, Kapa, enye incopho ecaleni kwepaki, ibonisa ukuzingca kwabemi bendawo ekubunjweni kwentaba. Abo bafuna iimbono ze-360 ° ukusuka kwisixeko esingumama.

Enye incopho ifana nelitye lesilwanyana kwaye ifanekisela ibhongo lengonyama. Abadlali abadumileyo boMzantsi Afrika bafote phezulu kweyona ncopho incinci. Ummangaliso weNdalo oye wakwiividiyo ezininzi zeYouTube, iiblogi, kunye namanqaku eendaba.

Ngencopho emile okwengonyama ineembono ezinkulu kuneTable Top. Yiloo ntaba, ngokunjalo, inxalenye yommandla okhuselweyo wezilwanyana zasendle.

Uphononongo lweTable Mountain Cableway 2022

Namhlanje masenze into eyahlukileyo. Siza kuphonononga i-Aerial Cableway. Ukufunda into kuthetha ukunika uluvo olungakhethi cala malunga nokuba umtsalane wondwendwe ulixabisa ixesha kunye nemali.

Ulwakhiwo olongezelelekileyo lubandakanya iCable Car Queensland, Sky Rail Rainforest Cableway ukhenketho, I-Kuranda Scenic Railway.

Alikho elinye elingcono kunelitye lethu lesikhumbuzo eliseKapa! Kwakhona, ukuphonononga into, kuthetha ukuba siya kunika uluvo lwethu olungakhethi cala kumava. Abo bandwendwele uphawu lweCPT ngaphambili, ndivume.

I-TripAdvisor Table Mountain yenye yezo ndawo apho uphononongo lwahlukile. Songeza kwintabalala yabantu ababelana ngezimvo zabo. Makhe sihlole kwakhona iiPaki zeSizwe zaseMzantsi Afrika.

Ipaki ngokwayo iyamangalisa, inika uhambo lweentsuku ezininzi, uhambo lokunyuka intaba, kunye nokhenketho ukuya phezulu. Into esiya kuxoxa ngayo ngokubhaliweyo yiCable Car-kunye namakhadi ahambelana nawo.

Imithombo yokubhaliweyo okuqinisekisiweyo kuGoogle ibonisa izimvo ezininzi zabasebenzisi. Khangela iimpendulo kwaye ufumane uluhlu lweShishini lam likaGoogle. Olo luhlu lunamawaka ophononongo oluhle. Ngokunjalo nephepha lewebhu le-TripAdvisor, kodwa ireyithingi ye-avareji ye-Aerial Cableway iphakathi 4 ukuya 5 iinkwenkwezi kwisikali samanqaku amahlanu.

Iireyithingi zisuka kokothusayo kusekwe kumava omsebenzisi angaphantsi, ukuya kuphononongo olubalaseleyo lwehlabathi ngamatikiti. Indlela abasebenzisi abalufumene ngayo olo hambo luxhomekeke ekubeni ucwangciso lwabo lwalukwisantya esiphezulu na.

Ukutsiba umgca wokwamkelwa yinxalenye yonikezelo kwiwebhusayithi, ebonisa uphononongo ngendlela eyakhayo, ngamava odidi lokuqala. Masifunde siqhubele phambili ngophononongo olubalaseleyo lweNtaba yeTafile!

Table Mountain Reviews

Unyaka wonke, ipaki yolonwabo yenye yezo ndawo ziphezulu 10 izinto onokuzenza eKapa. Kukho izinto ezininzi ezinomtsalane ezaziwa njengezona ndawo zibalulekileyo zokhenketho. Indawo yondwendwelo ikuluhlu lwezinto ezintathu ezikhethwayo kukhenketho loMzantsi Afrika.

Imoto yekhebula yexesha lonyaka yindawo ekusingwa kuyo unyaka wonke, kodwa eyona nto intle eKapa ngoMatshi, EyoMdumba, kunye noDisemba! Iinyanga ezixakekileyo zaseKapa zisebudeni beenyanga zasehlotyeni zikaNovemba ukuya kuJanuwari.

Ukwamkelwa ngelo xesha kunzima ukufumana, kungcono ukubhukisha ukukhwela kwangaphambili. Ukutyelela incopho kuxhomekeke kwiishedyuli, ukuphonononga amaxesha kwangaphambili kuvumela abakhenkethi ukuba benze isigqibo ngeeyure.

I-Tafelberg lolona hambo lulungileyo lwemini umntu anokulwenza xa useholideyini! Amawaka eendwendwe aye atyelela. I-Aerial Cableway inophononongo oluhle kakhulu, yakhiwe ngaphezu kwamashumi amabini eminyaka eyadlulayo kwaye igcinwe kude kube ngoku.

Uphononongo lukhomba kulawulo olugqwesileyo lwe-TMACC kunye nekhabhoni engathathi hlangothi kwaye utsibe amakhadi omgca athengwe kwiphepha lethu lokuthengisa amatikiti.. Iinkcukacha zoqhagamshelwano zeTable Mountain, ngamanye amaxesha angaphendulwa, abathembekanga.

Ziiyure zomsebenzi ezixakekileyo ezo. Ulwazi luyafumaneka kwindawo yethu, kakhulu xa kuthelekiswa neziko lolwazi lwabatyeleli. Akukho nto ingako inokuhamba kakubi, ukwamkelwa kuthengwe ngaphambili apha, kunye neTable Mountain Aerial Cableway kulula ukuyiqhuba ngemoto.

Iinkqubo zeebhasi zibonelela ngezithuthi zikawonke-wonke ukufikelela kwisikhululo esisezantsi. Banikezela ngeekhenkethi simahla kwi-funicular ephezulu ngeyure kwaye ilawulwa yimiqathango ye-TMACC kunye nemozulu exhomekeke kusuku.. Sincoma ukuthenga iivawutsha kwi-intanethi ngathi.

Amatikiti Athengwe Kwangaphambili

Akukho ndlela ingcono yokuphepha amaxesha emigceni kunokubhukisha kwangaphambili kwi-intanethi. Fumana amatikiti eMoto yeCable ngaphambi kokufika. Ixesha lokuzifumana ii-e-vawutsha zixhomekeke kakhulu kumhla ngokwawo kunye nexesha lokufika eKapa.

Uninzi lwabantu luwathenga kakuhle amapasi ngaphambili, xa kuthelekiswa nokubhukisha inqwelomoya yamazwe ngamazwe. Utshintsho lubandakanya elona xesha lilungileyo lokuthenga amatikiti eenqwelomoya lixesha lonyaka, apho uMzantsi Afrika uxhomekeke kwimozulu.

Amatikiti endiza ngumsebenzi ocetywe kwangaphambili, uthelekiso ekufumaneni amaxabiso kumangenelo eMoto yeCable. Njengoko nemiqathango, akukho shedyuli okanye ixesha lonyaka, amaxesha amane ngosuku olunye, Imozulu yaseKapa ingatshintsha, ekhokelela umntu ukuba asebenzise amatikiti kamva.

Abatyeleli abaneengcali banokufikelela kwi-funicular ngaphandle kokubhukisha okuphambili okanye kubemi baseMzantsi Afrika kuphela. Ukuthenga amakhadi ngexesha, umntu kufuneka ungene kwiwebhusayithi yethu. Pha, indawo yethu ibonelela ngomthombo ochanekileyo wolwazi olukhoyo kunye neenketho zamatikiti kwangaphambili.

Sincoma ukuthenga ukungena ngokupheleleyo 24 iiyure phambi kohambo, ukuphepha ukuphoxeka okanye ukucwangcisa kakubi. Ngaphandle kwefestile emfutshane, usuku olupheleleyo kufuneka lube lelona xesha lincinci lichithwa ucwangcisa uhambo.

Sithelekisa ukudlula kwangaphambili kumatikiti emuvi, iinqwelomoya ezitshiphu, kunye namatikiti ekonsathi-ngoko isicwangciso! Ukubhukisha okanye ukuthenga i-e-vawutsha kuhambelana nokucwangcisa okufanelekileyo.

Kwiwebhusayithi yethu, umntu unokubona amaxesha okubhukisha kwaye ajonge amatikiti anexabiso elihle. Yenza uninzi lohambo. Elona xesha lilungileyo lomntu wonke liyahluka. Xa abahambi besiza eKapa, khumbula izinto ezikhethekileyo zeNtaba yeTafile, ezifana ne-R90 ekhethekileyo kunye nekhethekileyo ngosuku lokuzalwa, akufuni kucwangcisa.

Khumbula ukuba itikiti elithengwe kwangaphambili limisela ukuba ubani kufuneka emgceni kumgca we-express. Emva kokuba ziodole kwi-intanethi, amatikiti ewebhu athunyelwe ngexesha elifutshane, ke yiya apho kwaye ube ngomnye wabantu bokuqala ukuma emgceni.

ITheyibhile yoBubude beNqanaba leNtaba 2022

Ubude beNtaba yeTafile buphakame kangangokuba 500-750 abantu babekwe phezu komnye benza i 1087 iimitha zepinacles ezisicaba’ ukuphakama. Oko kukuphindaphinda amakhulu amahlanu ukuya kwamakhulu asixhenxe kunomntu oqhelekileyo.

Ubude, okanye inde kangakanani into, ubalo olulinganiswa njengobude. Xa kuthelekiswa nobude bomntu, Incopho enkulu yingxilimbela! Ukuphakama kweenyawo yinto eyahlukileyo, kwaye ngenxa yokuba silinganisa kwiTheyibhile yemetric [Mzantsi Afrika], masenze izibalo kamva.

ITafelberg lelinye lawona magama aphakamileyo. Incopho edumileyo ingaphakathi phezulu 10 yapapashwa eMzantsi Afrika, kwaye mhlawumbi nezona nduli zentaba ezibhaliweyo.

Incopho esemgangathweni iphumela ngaphandle 1 km (3280.84ft) phezulu ngaphezu kwamafu, nangaphezulu kwesixeko. Iintaba ezisixhenxe eziphakamileyo ehlabathini. Kude kude kuMmangaliso oSixhenxe oMtsha weNdalo. Iifoto zemozulu zaseTafelberg zibonisa obu buso bukhulu belitye, Umahluko omkhulu weKapa emva kolwandle oluluhlaza lweAtlantiki.

IMount Everest isenokungohlukanga kangako ngokwezibakala zeTable Mountain, kunye nendlela eyakhiwe ngayo incopho. Ekupheleni 330 iminyaka ezizigidi ubudala, ilitye lokuqala lenziwe ngeGranite eqinile.

Ukwenza imephu uluhlu olukhulu lungqina umngeni kuba abantu balapha banobunzima bokuchaza apho uluhlu luqala khona-kwaye luphele.. Ukuhlela amagama aphezulu akhululekile ngakumbi, ngenxa yemilo eqinisekileyo kunye nobukhulu beendlela ezahlukeneyo ezijikeleze ukolulwa kweflattop.

Ukunyuka okukhuthazwayo kwabo bafuna ukufunda ngakumbi, izakhiwo ezingakholelekiyo ezibonakalayo kumzila, Nika inqanaba eliphezulu lokuqonda malunga nendlela incopho yenzeke ngayo, kakhulu phantsi kwenqaku elinye.

Ukhenketho olucwangciswe yi-TMACC ngeyure yindlela ekhethwa ngabaninzi yokufumana ingqiqo yasimahla. Utyelelo lwezemfundo lubandakanya indlela eyakhiwe ngayo iTable Mountain ngaphakathi kweendleko zokupasa.

Iimephu ngowona mthombo ubalaseleyo wolwazi olukhoyo kwikhawuntara yedesika engaphambili yoncedo lwabakhenkethi. Ikhatyhuleyitha yobude obuchanekileyo buqikelele ukuba ubude bube bujikeleze 1087 iimitha ngaphezu komphakamo wolwandle.

Oko kuzisa irhamncwa elikwincopho kolona luhlu lude emhlabeni. Ukuthelekelela kwimephu, umntu unokwandisa ukukhangela phezulu ukuya kuluhlu olusecaleni ngaphakathi kwamakhulu eekhilomitha (okanye iimayile) kwisiphelo ngasinye esichasayo.

Nangaphakathi kufutshane nje ezingamakhulu ambalwa eemitha, ezinye iindidi ezifana neLion’s Head, Iidemon Peak, kunye neNduli yeSignal iphuma ngokugxininisa kanye njengezona ntaba ezisixhenxe ziphakamileyo.

Imoto yeCable iphakamisa ukunyathela okwenziwe ngumntu ukuya encotsheni. Ulwakhiwo kunye namagama encopho anokuthi acebise ngenye indlela aquka i-Maclear's Beacon, eyona ndawo iphakamileyo eTafelberg.

Intaba yeTafile

Udonga olude lweliwa lamandulo elifunyenwe kwincopho ebizwa ngokuba yiTafelberg njengenxalenye yeNtshona Koloni., Mzantsi Afrika. Ukwamkelwa kufunyenwe kwiwebhusayithi yethu, kwaye uninzi lwabantu luthenga amatikiti ewebhu ngokusebenzisa abathengisi bewebhu abathembekileyo.

Njengathi, Iipasi ezivunywe kwangaphambili zaseTafelberg zikhona. Ubude obuxutyushwe kwisiqendu esingasentla. Sifake iinyani kuhambo lokuhamba kunye nezivumelwano ze-combo. Iindlela eziya eTafelberg, kuxoxiwe, Ngelixa umfanekiso uthatha iincopho ezinkulu kunye namaxabiso okunyuka kwincopho yamandulo engaphezulu kwesigidi ubudala..

Amaxabiso eNtabeni yeTable alilitye elibalulekileyo lamanqaku axoxwe kule webhusayithi. Kufuneka sihlolisise iNdlela yeNdlela yoKhenketho kunye neendleko ezihlaziyiweyo zalo nyaka ngokubanzi. Ekubeni sixoxe ngezikhokelo, siya kuqhubela phambili kwiinyani zokuphakama kwi-funicular.

Inde kangakanani i-Aerial Cableway? Makhe sixoxe ngenye yezona ndawo zibalulekileyo kwingingqi yeKapa.

Umphakamo weTable Mountain Cableway

Ukujonga ubude, eyona ncopho iphezulu inokuba 1087 iimitha ukuphakama. Imoto yeCable iyajikeleza kuphela 1 km (3280.84ft) phezulu. Umphakamo we-Aerial Cableway ungaphantsi kwalowo weBhakana, ebonisa indawo ephezulu yepaki.

Le ndlela yombane yeCableway kwafuneka ime kubuso obusemantla ngenxa yemiqobo yesakhiwo, ijongise kuLwandlekazi lweAtlantiki kunye neCBD. Abanini bangaphambili (Urhulumente woMzantsi Afrika), kunye neSebe lezoKhenketho kunye ne-TMACC, yakha iTafelberg funicular.

Iziko loqhagamshelwano lichazela abatyeleli ngembali emva kohambo. Ukhenketho yeyona ndlela ibalaseleyo yokufumana ingqiqo. Ubude bubulumko, umatshini womatshini, yakhiwe kwiminyaka engamashumi amabini eyadlulayo, imi malunga nekhilomitha enye, okanye 3280.84 iinyawo.

Lo matshini ubulela ithenda yeenjineli ezakha isakhelo. Kule mihla, izithuthi zomoya zihlala zingatshintshi. Lulwakhiwo kuphela oluxhase uhlaziyo. Masiqhubele phambili 10 iinyani ezimnandi.

Iinyani zaseTafelberg!

Imimangaliso yendalo inika umdla; inyaniso, silapha ukuze sabelane ngeenyaniso ezilishumi ezivuyisayo zobomi kuMmangaliso oSixhenxe oMtsha weNdalo. Ezi zibakala ziyabamangalisa abantu, kuquka nendlela eyakhiwe ngayo iNtaba yeTafile.

Izibakala ezimangalisayo, kutheni ibizwa ngokuba yiTafelberg? Ziphendule ngokwabo kwimbali umphezulu flat. Iziphumo ezinomdla zomphezulu osicaba? Emva koko qhubeka ufunda ngoxa sasisabelana ngezi zibakala zemfundo ukuze wabelane nabahlobo. Ummandla wezilwanyana zasendle waseKapa ujikelezile 1 km (3280.84ft) phezulu!

Ipaki ithatha amakhulu eekhilomitha (okanye iimayile). UTafel uguqulela "itafile" ngesiBhulu, yaye incopho ifumana igama layo encotsheni yelitye elingaphezulu.

Ijoloji yaseTafelberg, iquka iintlobo ezintathu zamatye ezinkulu zeGranite, Ilitye lentlabathi, kunye nezinye iintlobo zamatye. Izibakala ezibangela umdla, I-Tafelberg iphakame ukusuka kumgangatho wolwandle 330 kwiminyaka ezizigidi eyadlulayo. Ngoku yintaba enye endala, isikhululo esiphezulu, yakhiwa malunga namashumi amabini eminyaka eyadlulayo.

Enyakeni 2020, I-Aerial Cableway yavalwa ngenxa ye-coronavirus, Iimephu ze-COVID-19 zibonisa ukuba isiXeko sikaMama sesinye sezona zixeko zinzima zibekwe ngaphambili kwi-pathogen ehamba ngomoya.. Inyaniso engafanelekanga yokuzonwabisa. Le ngqungquthela inabantu abaninzi ababhubhileyo. Siyathemba ukuba ezo fantastic, ukuzibandakanya, kunye neenyaniso ezimnandi zathimba ingqalelo. Ndinomdla wokufumana amanqaku aphambili? Funda inqaku kude kube sekupheleni.

INtaba yeTafile Yasihombisa iMother City

Ummangaliso wesixeko saseAfrika. Ngengcaciso, wonke umntu umhle. Umntu usenokwahluka komnye umntu. Kukho iihotele ezibalaseleyo eKapa, kuquka iCape Grace Hotel kunye neNye kunye neYodwa. Ezo hotele azifani neTafelberg. Izinto ezine ezibalulekileyo kwiNtaba yeTafile, iindaba ezimnandi!

Ipaki yeSizwe yaseTafelberg, yavunywa njengomnye weMimangaliso eSixhenxe eMitsha yeNdalo. Ukuphakama kwencopho exabisekileyo kuphelile 1 ikhilomitha (3280.84 iinyawo) phezulu, e 1087 m. INtaba yeTafile iyamangalisa, kwaye inkcazo yomntu ayikwazi ukuphazamisa indlela i-rock pinnacle ethandekayo ephuma ngayo ngasemva.

Udonga lwamatye ngumthombo wokhenketho, kwaye iCable Car ithutha amakhulu abakhenkethi yonke imihla. Ukuphakama kwentloko yeengonyama kunika ukufana kwezilwanyana 667 iimitha encotsheni yentaba, ngaphantsi kweKapa 1 ikhilomitha (3280.84ft) incopho.

Umhla wokuzalwa weTable Mountain kunye nokutshona kwelanga okukhethekileyo

Isaziso esikhethekileyo! Ii-e-vawutsha zinokungathengiswa. Kuxhomekeke kubuzwe kunye nobudala, amatikiti anocalucalulo. Ngabemi bemvelaphi yasekhaya kuphela abanokufikelela entabeni ngesaphulelo esikhethekileyo.

Asiyiyo ingcamango eqhelekileyo eboniswa kumajelo eendaba; ngokuchaseneyo, ngabemi boMzantsi Afrika kuphela abanethamsanqa kumaxabiso athotyiweyo.

Siyazi ukuba aziqhelekanga kwabo bangenasazisi saseMzantsi Afrika (abafundi abaninzi). Ke silapha ukunika abakhenkethi elinye ithuba lokuthenga loo matikiti ewebhu anqabileyo.

Uhambo lubonelela ngeevawutsha kubantu ngomhla wabo wokuzalwa ukuya kumphakamo weNtaba yeTafile, kodwa kuphela ngamakhadi ezazisi oMzantsi Afrika, okufanayo kuyasebenza kubafundi kunye nabantu abadala (uxolo basemzini) Amakhadi asendle ayafumaneka kumntu wonke kwisicwangciso sonyaka, kodwa kwakhona, abakhenkethi abanyuki ngaphezu kwesinye.

Ngexesha elinye ukuthenga kuzuza ngaphezu kwexesha elaneleyo lokuqonda ukuba kukangaphi na imigca ye-funicular. Amaxesha emigca anele ukukhupha nabani na ekutyeleleni okwesibini ngaphandle kwexesha lonyaka ngaphandle kocwangciso olululo. Ezizodwa, eyona nto ithengwe kwangaphambili. Kukho iindwendwe ezidlulileyo kwiingxelo ezivumayo.

Cableway Specials kunye nezaphulelo

Ingcono kunanto. Itikiti elikhethekileyo lenza usuku lomntu. Ukunciphisa isaphulelo, kuquka izivumelwano zomhla wokuzalwa nokutshona kwelanga, yenza amava akhuthazayo. Ayisoloko ifumaneka, badinga ixesha kunye nomzamo wokufumana amatikiti ewebhu ancitshisiweyo onyaka.

Ezo zipasi zinikezelwe ngamaxabiso athotyiweyo zisebenza ngendlela efanayo neepakethe zeWalt Disney, kunye nelebhu yokuzonwabisa iqala ngaphambi kosuku ngokuodola kwi-intanethi kwangaphambili. Amaxabiso amatikiti ayahluka ngokusekelwe kwinani lamangenelo kunye nenyanga.

Umzekeliso, UDisemba yinyanga yencopho. Abo bandwendwelayo kufuneka bahluthe naluphi na unikezelo lwangaphambili ngokukhethekileyo, nokuba amaxabiso azo. Ezo ntlawulo, kunye namaxesha abekwe ekuqaleni konyaka ngamnye. Ngokufana namatikiti e-Eiffel Tower amnandi.

Kukho amaxabiso kunye neeyure zokuvula kwi-funicular. Ii-ofisi zebhokisi zibonelela kuphela ngezinto ezikhethekileyo zomhla wokuzalwa, Ii-R90 ezizodwa—Iizinto zokutshona kwelanga ngamaxesha ahlukeneyo.

Umntu akanakuyifumana ngexesha elichanekileyo lohambo lwakhe ngaphandle kwethamsanqa. Ezo zikhethekileyo kumatikiti eCableway ziyafumaneka njengezaphulelo kulo nyaka wekhalenda. I-Tafelberg ibamba uluhlu olubanzi lweentengiso, kodwa oko kuxhomekeke xa uhambo luvula. Umzekelo, namhlanje lusuku lokuzalwa olukhulu, b-day ekhethekileyo. Nangona kunjalo, ukuba umntu akangommi waseMzantsi Afrika, ukungena rhoqo kuyafumaneka. Thenga kwi-intanethi kwiwebhusayithi yethu.

Amaxabiso awahlukanga kubantu basemzini, ke uthenge eqhelekileyo. Iiyure zokuvula ze-Aerial Cableway zixhomekeke kwiimeko. Nangona kunjalo, kwisiXeko esinguMama, kuba imozulu itshintsha rhoqo, akukho maxesha amiselweyo.

Kunoko, Iqumrhu likhuphe isikhokelo ngamaxesha okuvula. Ufuna ukufunda ngakumbi? Indawo yethu ineshedyuli ehlengahlengisiweyo yemisebenzi ye-funicular ehlaziywa rhoqo ngenyanga. Abasebenzisi banokukhangela ukuba amagosa oncedo avulekele ishishini kunye neziphumo zeziphumo.

I-avareji yexesha abalivula ngalo 8:30 ndim, kunye nokubuya kokugqibela kwe-funicular, ixesha apho wonke umntu uya ekhaya, ijikeleze 7:00 pm—waphawula ukuba oku kunokutshintsha ngokusekelwe kwiiholide, kubandakanywa nemozulu yendalo enzima.

Eyona Ntaba yeTafile idlula kwi-Intanethi

Nabani na unokufumana ii-e-cards kwi-intanethi kwiwebhusayithi yethu. Ezo nkcukacha, kuquka okukhethekileyo kokungena, kunikezelwa ngathi. Amatikiti ewebhu e-funicular ekucetyiswa ukuba athengwe kwangethuba ukulungiselela ukukhwela. Ekubeni imozulu itshintsha amaxesha ngamaxesha, sicebisa ukuba ukhangele “Imozulu yeNtaba yeTafile,” ngosuku oluthengiweyo.

Amatikiti axabisa ngokweshedyuli eyenziwe yafumaneka kule webhusayithi. Amaxesha ahlukeneyo axabisa iimali ezohlukeneyo. Umzekelo, izikhethekileyo zomhla wokuzalwa, ukuthi ngqo, inokuba nexabiso eliphantsi kunendlela eqhelekileyo yokudlula yentambo.

Imoto yekhebhula & I-hop-on hop-off bus combo ngamanye amaxesha yindlela ekhethwayo yokuthenga iivawutsha ze-intanethi. Ezo zivumelwano zezokubhukisha. Amaxabiso ahlaziyiwe kwiwebhusayithi yethu kulo nyaka.

Iikhowudi zesaphulelo zinokuthoba ixabiso, ilinganiselwe kwivawutsha enye ngomntu ngamnye. Banciphisa izivumelwano zomtsalane ngamatikiti elinye kwabo bafuna ukwenza ngcono inkcitho yabo.

Ukusuka kumatikiti ukuya ekufikeni

Ukusuka ekuthengeni amakhadi e-express kwi-intanethi ukuya apho, sixoxa ngendlela yokuthenga amapasi ngaphandle kweCC. Emva koko fika kwaye ujabulele i-Aerial Cableway. Uninzi luthenga ukungena kwi-intanethi ngathi (nangona iindwendwe zithenga amatikiti ewebhu ngeofisi ekwisiza ngemini). Abo bangenawo amakhadi etyala bafaneleka ngakumbi ukulinda kwi 2-3 umgca weyure wamapasi.

Abantu abane-akhawunti ye-PayPal okanye NAliphi na ikhadi letyala elikhulu (I-VISA, Mastercard, Ikhadi ekufakwa imali, IAmerican Express), unokuthenga amapasi anesaphulelo. Ixesha eligcinwe ngokuthenga iivawutsha kwi-Intanethi libandakanya iiyure ezimbini ukuya kwezintathu zobushushu obutshisayo ngexesha lasehlotyeni kwaye malunga neyure enye ebusika..

Xa kuthelekiswa namatikiti ekonsathi aphantsi, musa ukulinda de kube ngumzuzu wokugqibela wokuthenga. Iindwendwe ngamanye amaxesha zilinda ixesha elide, kwaye isenokungafumaneki. Amaxesha okufola ayahluka ngokwetikiti elithengiweyo kunye nexesha lokuya apho.

Abantu abahlakaniphile bakhetha ukunyuka kwangethuba. Ukufika apho kuthetha ukukhuphisana namakhulu abanye abantu abaneembono ezifanayo ngaphandle kokubhukisha okuphambili. Iwebhusayithi yethu yeyona ndawo ikhethekileyo yeAerial Cableway, ithengwe kwangaphambili.

Sibonisa iindwendwe indlela yokucula kunye ne-drumbeat ngelixa sinyuka ukuze soyise izihlwele zabantu abakhwela kwi-Tafelberg Road.. Paka phambi kwaye umise ukuvuleka kwindlela enkulu. Uncedo lokupaka kufuphi nesikhululo esisezantsi akukho mfuneko yokuhamba kude (1km, ilingana nama-3280.84ft) ebushushwini ehlotyeni.

Elinye icebiso kukuthenga amatikiti kwangaphambili. Ukulinda kumgca omde ngaphambi kokuthenga ukungena (uze uphinde ufole komnye umgca) ayikomityi yeti. Omnye ugcina i-e-passes ngaphambi kokuba ayithenge kwi-intanethi; intengiselwano ayinangxaki.

Qala ngokukhangela ezikhethekileyo, kuquka ukutshona kwelanga okanye izivumelwano zokuzalwa, emva koko uye kuGoogle kwaye ufake "Imoto yeTable Mountain Cable." Uphendlo luvela kwiwebhusayithi yethu. Thenga ukwamkelwa, sukulinda.

Ukusuka apho, sukuhamba emva kwexesha. Ukucwangcisa yinxalenye yokufika kwindawo yokujonga ngeyure engenanto. Jonga eyona ndawo iphezulu kwi-CBD ngaphandle kwabantu ngokuya khona kwangoko.

Indawo yeCableway kuMbindi waseKapa

Umtsalane, embindini weNtshona Koloni, yi 1km (3280.84ft) ukusuka kwiNduli yeSignal. Kukho izinto ezininzi ezinomtsalane ngaphakathi kwendawo. Izinto ziquka ukhenketho lwemini, Long Street, kunye neminye imisebenzi ecetyiswayo.

I-TripAdvisor iqokelela la mava ngendlela yophononongo, kwaye bathumela kwi-intanethi. Ukuba uyathandabuza, funa iingcebiso kwabanye abahambi kwi-intanethi.

Kuphela imisebenzi emiselweyo ecetyiswayo kubahambi, ithatha uMzantsi Afrika njengendawo engakhuselekanga kubantu abaninzi. Uphononongo lubonisa izinto ezibalulekileyo, kuquka neCable Car. Ezinye izibonelelo kukujonga eminye imiba ebalulekileyo yeholide, njengendawo yokuhlala esembindini kunye neehotele kwisiXeko saseMama.

Ngelixa amaxabiso kwesi siza enika iindleko ezichanekileyo zokukhwela umbane ngoomatshini eNtshona Koloni, abahambi banokukhetha ukufumana kwiziko lolwazi londwendwe. Ukuya apho, khwela ibhasi ukuya kwiSikhululo seCableway kwaye ubuze, kodwa jonga imozulu ngaphambili kuba ingavala.

I 10 Eyona Ntaba yeTafile kunye noKhenketho lweCableway & Amatikiti

Ukubambisa! Yeba ukuze uthenge ngexabiso eliphantsi. Eyona nkcazo ilungileyo ithetha eyona ndlela ineendleko eziphezulu okanye ukhetho oluphuculweyo ngokungagqibekanga kwi-funicular. Silapha ukuze sinikezele ngeentengo ezongayo ngamaxabiso amatikiti.

Iinkcukacha zoqhagamshelwano ziqinisekisa ukuba ngamanye amaxesha, ngobulumko bemozulu, kungcono ukuthenga itikiti kwi-intanethi, ngoba? Izinto ezikhethekileyo ziluncedo. Ezo zibonelelo ziquka iintsuku ezisixhenxe ezisemthethweni kumakhadi, ukhenketho lwasimahla lweTable Mountain (Imiqathango yeTMACC iyasebenza), kunye nokuqonda kulwazi lwezodwa zamatikiti eCableway (njenge-b-day). Kukho ezinye ezikhethekileyo, iR90, kunye nezaphulelo zokutshona kwelanga, kodwa bajikeleza amatikiti.

Ukusukela oko 2022, ukukhwela kungavalwa. I 2022 ukuvalwa kwenza iindaba! Ngenxa yobhubhane. Masicacise ukuba ukwamkelwa ngoku kuthengiswa ngathi. Ukuba amatikiti ewebhu e-funicular ayafumaneka, emva koko iCable Car ivuliwe. Akukho mfuneko yokuqwalasela ukuvala. Ekubeni siphezu kwesihloko, sazisa wonke umntu malunga neshumi lamatikiti agqwesileyo eCableway kunye nokhenketho.

Ukuqala nge, eyona idumileyo, thenga amakhadi akhawulezayo kwi-intanethi. Isibini, fumana i-e-vawutsha ngomthengisi. Ukuthenga okwesithathu kudlula eofisini. Owokugqibela nowesine bangena ngokhenketho.

Ezintlanu zithenga iidili ze-combo. Ntandathu, cwangcisa nabahlobo okanye amaqabane. Sixhengxe, jonga eyona ntengiso ilungileyo (hayi rhoqo). Sibhozo, fowunela inkonzo ye-TMACC. Isithoba, linda de ithengiswe. Inani leshumi linyuka likhwele lihle. Eyokuqala, “Thenga kwi-Intanethi,” isoloko ingcono, kulandelwa kukulungiselela ukupasa kwamakhadi asendle ngevenkile.

Itikiti leMoto yeTafile yaseNtabeni & I-Hop-On Hop-Off Combo yebhasi

Ukhetho lwesihlanu, “Thenga ii-combo deals,” ithandwa ngabakhenkethi abangawaziyo umhlaba. Kukho iinkonzo ezidibanisa iibhasi kunye noThutho lwasemoyeni. Ibhasi yokukhenketha ngomnye wabo baboneleli. Olo khenketho luhambisa abakhweli kwiindawo ezininzi. Iithayimthebhile zeBhasi eziBomvu azisoloko zingaphakathi kwishedyuli, ngoko ngokophononongo, eyona nto ingcono yokufumana ukungena kwiMoto yeCable kwi-intanethi.

Akukho “combo egqibeleleyo,” kunye namakhadi eza nezinto eziluncedo nezingeloncedo ekusebenziseni i-Aerial Cableway. Izichazi-magama zasezidolophini zichaza i-combo njengedityaniswe nezinto ezimbini nangaphezulu. Yongeza ii-e-cards ngoku ukuze uphume. Akunakwenzeka ukucwangcisa emva, cinga ngala maxesha makhulu emigceni, khumbula izivumelwano zethu ASAP ngaphambi kokuba umntu afike.

Ulwazi loKhenketho lwe 2022

I-Aerial Cableway eneenkwenkwezi ezintlanu ingumxhasi wokhenketho loMzantsi Afrika. Olu hambo lufanele ibhaso lokuqala elinomtsalane kubakhenkethi eAfrika. Silapha ukunika iimpendulo kwindawo ehamba phambili yeholide. Ipaki yendalo ephakamileyo iNtsha 7 Izimanga zeNdalo, ukugrumba phezu kwe-CBD, kwaye luphawu oluphawulweyo.

I-Hanging Cableways, kuquka nololiwe wasemoyeni waseKapa, luhambo olunye oluhambisa iindwendwe kwi-km (3280.84ft) phezulu. Eyona nto igxile kubakhenkethi yi “Cable Car ekufutshane nam,” kuba yolula iSixeko sikaMama kuBuso obuseMantla.

Imbali isisiqalo esibangela umdla, ngexesha apho ukhenketho lwaseAfrika lwalunombono wokuhlanganisa umphezulu osicaba ngeCableway yombane.

I-Cableway yakhiwa kwiminyaka engamashumi amabini eyadlulayo, kunye nenxalenye yembali yoMzantsi Afrika, ixhase uphuculo oluninzi kwiKapa. Ukukhwela i-funicular kusisithetha-ntonye nebhongo novuyo kubahlali abajonge ukujonga uMzantsi Afrika ngokukhanya okutsha., ukuphelisa amafu anesilivere ukuze abakhenkethi bathabathe umbono osuka phezu kweKapa.

Imbali ebangel’ umdla yesi sakhiwo iquka ezi zinto zasendle, ifakwe kwinkampani elawula i-Aerial Cableway.

Yakhiwe ziinjineli kunye nokungeniswa kwempahla ezininzi ekrwada, iCableway yakhula ukusuka entabeni. Emva koko isiqalo somgangatho kunye ne-hull eyenza le pulley enkulu. Umbuzo ochanekileyo ngulo, iqhuba kangaphi iCable Car? Ngaba umntu unokubuza ngemini elungileyo?

Uhambo luya phezulu kwaye lufutshane olunesidima lubaleka yonke into 5 imizuzu okanye rhoqo njengoko isihlwele sivumela ngokuzalisa kwakhona i-contraption yesetyhula embindini.

Isishwankathelo seNdlela yeCableway yasemoyeni

Kufuphi neSikhululo esiPhezulu, akukho ndawo yokuhlala. Olo khetho lushiyelwe abakhweli. Indlela yokungena kwisikhululo esikwiNtaba yeTafile yohlukile kwezinye iisistim zentambo zombane zaseMzantsi Afrika, kuquka neHartbeespoort (Ngokusuka entliziyweni). Ukuphakama okuphezulu kweNtshona Koloni kutsala abantu abakhethekileyo abasuka kwi-R90 ukuya kumatheko emihla yokuzalwa.

Singawafumana amatikiti eWebhu otsalisiweyo wabakhenkethi kwi-intanethi kwimithombo emininzi, njengewebhusayithi yethu, isaphulelo. Khangela imozulu ngaphambili kuba ngamanye amaxesha umoya ujikeleza iKapa kwaye wenze abakhenkethi bakholelwe ukuba iCable Car ivaliwe (xa ingayekanga). Imisebenzi iyavalwa ngenxa yeemeko.

Amaxabiso ahlengahlengisa ngokusekelwe kwinani leendwendwe kunye nokungenwa okukhutshiweyo. Umzekelo, abantu ababini babiza kakhulu kunomntu omnye okanye ukuya kwi-Sunset Special offer. Funa iingcebiso ngeenkcukacha zoqhagamshelwano.

If one is looking for answers such as the height and other tourism information facts, keep on reading because Cape Town will be the best out!

Table Mountain Cable Car

The Upper Cableway building is inclusive of the Cafe and restaurant. Inseparable from the size of the building on top of the massive rock. To get to the contraption at the bottom of Tafelberg Road, take the large funicular and queue at designated times. Web tickets for the ride, purchased in advance through this website.

Otherwise, without the cart up the North Face, complete with a torturous hike. Specials for the return trip are available, kuquka nezikhethekileyo zomhla wokuzalwa, and the R90 Special. The good news is that specials exist, but only South African citizens can apply for discounted rates. The mountain closure applies on any day (because of weather).

It is best to check out the details listed on our website. Table Mountain call center informs visitors if operations are open or closed.

Cape Town Tourism Importance

Tourism is foreigners journeying from the depths of the earth, to enjoy a moment on an alien continent, country, or unfamiliar territory. Western Cape is no different, and a simple description could be the lush green nature that people come to visit from around the globe. History tells us that the victorious peak established a name many decades ago.

Only with the recent advancement of the funicular did the region set growth targets far higher than any time in history. A touristic economy is essential for tourism to bring in money and two, the awareness of the landmark grows, and three; horizons expanded with the growing awareness. Since foreign explorers are nothing new, Table Mountain experienced many visitors paying homage each year.

Not a tourism essay, but the City of Cape Town did a superb job in the 90s to bring foreigners into the country. Post-apartheid was part of the history of ZA. Ukhuseleko, called into question in recent years, as the murder rate and rape spiked in rural areas (not metro).

Known as dangerous, South Africa is crime-ridden. Upcoming events in the Mother City include Cable Car birthday specials (on one’s birthday!) and the unforgotten R90 discount. The latter is not available today, but check back later.

Tourism encompasses visiting the national park; one particular moment is looking for web tickets to the landmark. It is easy to visit Tafelberg in South Africa and buy the e-vouchers in advance, and one is ready! One more province off the map and crossed off the bucket list for now. Cape Town crime is nothing to worry about, and tourists are staying in safe zones.

Green areas such as the Central region and Atlantic Seaboard are popular among tourists touting to Google the Cape. Tourism is massive. There are kinds of places for everyone, everything, and anyone. Family-friendly, wheelchair accessible, and the best place for “things near me” included in the reviews, guaranteed!

Table Mountain Weather Updates For Today And Tomorrow

One may ask on Google, what is the forecast today? So, we answer that question and provide more information on the climate. Since the early days of the National Weather Service, they have plagued the service with errors, ngoba? Because conditions are not correct when compared to Cape Town.

The heat map differs from that of the town. Ngoba? One, the gigantic peak does not have individual weather radars. Two, the Aerial Cableway hourly forecast provides exact data based on the clouds, wind, sun, and rain that should flow and not that which comes from the sea through the City Bowl.

The camera can be a better source of weather updates for the current conditions on a tall peak. It is enough of a question to ask the ranges on the tall cliff today, never mind asking: What is tomorrow’s foresight?

As long as weather channel radars are getting the latest update, there will be hourly readings. The lack of proper time data renders the forecast incorrect.

The lower city is a foothold to show the climate on an enormous peak. Peak weather cameras are another excellent guiding information service. Because it provides exact pictorial data on conditions above the large rock mass, AccuWeather is another rough weather help desk that can estimate the temperature on the sizable peak.

Table Mountain Weather Forecast (1087m)

Are users looking for a weather update? The weather updates for the contrasting peak are deceiving. The height estimate at a staggering 1.08 km above sea level renders even the best weather forecasting radars useless.

Cape Town’s predictions are not equal to Tafelberg’s insights, both at different levels above the sea. Weather radars are not helpful when the sharp peak protrudes above the land and a one-kilometer height.

14-day weather forecasts are only an approximation of whether it will rain on the day. Weather channel can give a better source of information on the conditions in the Mother City. The peak forecast requires cameras, live updates, and actual people on the ground.

Ask if Tafelberg is operating, good question! Cape Town weather is four seasons in one day, meaning if raining one moment, then it could be sunny the next. Iintsuku ezininzi, by looking at the vintage peak, visitors can set up whether the National Park accepts guests.

Clouds on top of the peak are frequent, but for strong gale force winds above 50 km (31.07 mph) an hour, and rain, those are conditions to scrutinize.

People staying or living in the Tafelberg zone, including those at the base of the summit, will find that their assumptions are correct. Clouds from the sea move into the Mother City.

In those cases, the foghorn will sound, and travelers can assume that clouds follow in the city but not on the ultimate peak. Other days light rain in the Cape starts as a slight drizzle but soon clears up, and then a sunny day follows. When in doubt, ask Google. Search if the Cableway services visitors or should be open.

Today’s Table Mountain Weather

Since the tall peak’s weather varies from the surrounding city, web tickets bought daily can get scanned in, and used seven days from the date printed on the card. Specials differ because one cannot redeem it for any days other than the print date.

Those days, plans just will not arrange themselves, and one has to find another way of visiting the elusive peak.

One may search the weather on the peak today. If visitors do not have a discount, then they can visit the iconic peak any day from the marked date, plus several days. Table Mountain ZA weather is not exact, and as above, AccuWeather may not be the best point of entry on how to visit.

It takes the eye to see the rising peak from below, or above-to assume that it works. Reviews or contact details are another alternative for those who want to figure out whether the funicular is open today. Cableway on Twitter tweets sometimes with operations and news data.

Weather Forecast For Table Mountain

Western Cape shows better weather than the Northern Cape. The peak’s height provides a natural climate, encompassing vast stretches of land. Iinyani, more plant species grow on the old peak than in the Amazonian rain forest.

The gigantic peak formed from a prehistoric piece of land protruding from the ocean floors up to the skies 350 kwiminyaka ezizigidi eyadlulayo. Lions Head is part of the National Park. Lion’s head is 667 meters, where Tafelberg’s highest peak stands at 1087 m.

Pictures can prove the tallest point comparative to CBD. It gives visitors a good idea for the visibility on the top of the tall peak, including the forecast. WindGuru provides wind data for the mountaintop, depending on which side of the rock face one looks at, different readings show.

The north face includes Table Mountain, incoming wind from the Atlantic effects operations. Current weather on peak depends on the forthcoming rain, hurricanes, and formation of the tabletop. Since conditions differ from that of the city, we encourage checking whether the Cableway is open now for any day of one’s visit to the Cape.

Table Mountain’s Live Weather

There is more to learn. The giant earth rock sits outside the Mother City. Radar only provides a fragment, as one needs to know the “weather near me.” Live Webcams near V&A waterfront are available for visitors to stare at the skyline of a remarkable city.

Live weather channels, including those with webcam views near the Cape Town International Airport, Camps Bay, and the enormous peak itself, give real-time video feed. Forecast channels only offer a hint.

Research is an exciting part of visitor’s journeys of experiencing the rock star peak. Visitors can sense the breeze for themselves on top.

Hour By Hour Weather Forecast

AccuWeather only provides half of the picture, searching hourly weather from anywhere else will yield false results. Weather is in Celsius, not Fahrenheit because South Africa uses the metric table.

Under the cloudy sun, the top rock is windy; it is windier on colder days, compared to sunny days. The weather patterns are not always correct. Often the best forecast is at the upper deck.

We encourage visitors to use their eyes to assess the high cliff before booking a ride. Weather channels for the mountainous peak of discouraged for visitors without via visual line of sight for peak cloud cover.

Table Mountain Cable Car Contact

Most people contact the Cableway to enquire. To find out if Tafelberg is open today. There are ways that one can check the ride schedule, maintenance, and specials, including the birthday and sunset discounts.

Those contact details are the best way to get in touch with the Aerial Cableway.

To look for the museum will yield the same results. Most often, those looking for the “Cable Car near me” pointed to the Cableway station in Cape Town with the Upper Cableway museum and information desk providing an estimated wait time for the ride.

Get in touch with the company by first buying tickets on our website and then proceeding to the lower information desk (opposite the hop-on-hop-off bus). Web tickets purchased in beforehand allow users to gain entry to the top Cableway.

Visitors can again contact the Aerial Cableway via the help desk at the upper station and restaurant. The operations have no reliable contact because a direct line leads to the Table Mountain weather, a constant question asked by visitors.

What is the Cable Car’s Contact?

The Cableway’s details are on the website. Those details made available to those searching for the help number. Nobody will answer, and instead, once met with an automated answering machine. Does the company speak English? Sure they do, in a South African accent.

Operators pre-record weather each day to playback. Typical questions the Cableway gets asked are, one, Is the Aerial Cableway open? Second is, “is the Cable Car closed,” Three, izikhethekileyo zomhla wokuzalwa, and number four, contacts of Cape Town Tourism.

Now accepting bookings, our website takes inquiries. The website where one can find details accepts payment for the ride. Web tickets follow each order of passes with our business information.

Table Mountain Aerial Cableway

Excellent still here? Kulungile, we have got fun facts. Those who know get fascinated by these cool playground tips to know more, formed over two decades ago, starting with the electrical Cableway. They declared the masterpiece open by the owners.

Who are the owners? There is over one. The managing companies are the TMACC and SANParks, both control different parts of operations. For such an example, TMACC manages the Cableway infrastructure. SANParks ensures maintenance and safety. Most history is behind the South African. The building is so old that it beats most teens.

There are others asking questions unrelated to Aerial Cableway facts, such as web tickets, we know where to find them. Table Mountain Cable Car entry passes bought online. Our website is easy to use and intuitive for users. More complicated specials, rely on the weather, date, and offer. Umzekelo, birthday specials are only available, wait for it, on birthdays.

That they are only open to a South African, contact details confirm this. Questions raised allot include the height of the enormous peak. The point of the matter is that the elevation is around one kilometer (3280.84ft).

Actual height measured around 1087m. We update those figures, so the Aerial Cableway remains so popular that it needs a remeasure in recent years. Check out how to visit if looking to go up, and last, the opening and closing times, found by searching “is Table Mountain open today?” Happy traveling and relax!

Cableway Ticket Rates & Iiyure zokuvula

Tafelberg is an open house, accepting visitors during the four seasons. The business hours of the ride close because of intense weather and other factors. The disabling winds and abundant rain, change both the regular business times and the holiday schedule.

We quote the prices in South African Rands (ZAR), so foreigners are best informed to buy web tickets. Cableway ticket rates and opening times adjust from year to year, so pre-booking passes lock in prices online before the trip.

R90 specials are not available, and those last year’s prices are outdated. Better to peek at the updated Table Mountain ticket prices on our website. Enye into, traveling to a peak during a holiday means that there might be special hours and the weather.

Once confirmed, entries are valid for a whole seven days. Meaning they can change the scheduled program on account of severe weather. Look at the latest hourly or daily forecast for planning when the Cable Car is open. Winds above 30km/h (18.64 mph), and the transport is closed.

Cableway Tickets Online

The better way is our site since our business aims to purchase express entries with information. Buy passes without a credit card by opting for the PayPal choice. No PayPal account needed. Now those choices for buying vouchers include an Aerial Cableway guide, which improves chances of getting better information on Table Mountain online specials.

Once bought those web tickets are much compared to concert tickets, in that they are valid for a predetermined time and day, good up to seven days. Other vendors will tell visitors that buying admissions from them is the best. Ngoba? We disagree, without the proper information provided, the tickets lack clarity.

Facts About Table Mountain Including Height

Interesting height facts. Table Mountain changes elevation due to the magma and tectonic plates, including the sea activity of the Atlantic region.

Table Mountain is rising or sinking based on measurements. Underlying geology and the type of rock on Table Mountain is a determinant of height.

Ilitye lentlabathi, granite, and limestone make up the predominant rock types of the mountain—the height changes based on the rock formations.

Although height is changing, Table Mountain is around one massive rock’s length from the oceans of Cape Town. Table Mountain is approximately 1km high.

The Aerial Cableway designed to carry more or less seventy people, around 1067m up Table Mountain in about five minutes.

Amatikiti eNtaba yeTafile, Table Mountain Cableway 2022 Official Guide, 2022

Inner Workings Of The Table Mountain Cable Car

Many factors involved. Cable car uses secure steel cables in numbers to average out the weight of the cable car during strong gale force winds and gravity.

Weather is a factor among which the engineers of Table Mountain have worked hard to fix. Wind complicated the forces which pull on the cable car.

Water is used at the bottom of the cable car to weigh it. Two cable cars of equal weight provide strong counteracting forces between which stabilize the cable car.

Look at the physics behind the cable car. Science may hold the answer to how the cable car works. Counterbalance is the principle along which the cable car works.

Quickest Way To Get On Top Of Table Mountain Cape Town

There are two options for the quickest way to get to the top of Table Mountain.

Cableway – Aerial Cableway is the most popular option.
Faster and more efficient for most people visiting Table Mountain National Park. Only 4 ½ minutes from bottom to top. The second more intelligent option for those not wanting to dirty their boots on the trail is to take the cable car.

Ukunyuka intaba – Put on your hiking boots for a day on the mountain.
Wear a sunhat and safety first. Water is essential, as well as closed shoes to get you past those sharp rocks. Spend a day on the mountain with the right gear. Hiking can be a fun attraction for a day trip on Table Mountain Reserve.

Table Mountain Weather Is Not Cold

Table Mountain weather is usually sunny and is NOT cold. Check the forecast, and you will see how cold it is on Table Mountain.

Table Mountain ranges from warm to warmer, nothing to be concerned about if the weather forecast reads partially cloudy on the day.

The South Eastern winds are frequent on the mountain. Cold weather persists on Table Mountain, usually when there is wind.

Jackets and light pullovers in case of rain predominantly are advised. Iintsuku ezininzi, it is not cold on top of Table Mountain.

Table Mountain Is Especially Unique To Locals

If Table Mountain’s sheer size was not enough to convince you, it’s unique. Table Mountain is a world heritage site and a New 7 Izimanga zeNdalo.

No-one would argue that Table Mountain is not exceptional. Nangona kunjalo, some would be more than willing to share their point of view about what makes Table Mountain so special.

Worth the world to some. Part of the culture and heritage. Locals would be in mutual agreement that Table Mountain is unique to Cape Town

Is that a question worth answering? No reason is needed other than that Table Mountain is special because it’s the Mother City’s mountain!

Hike Table Mountain National Park

Table Mountain hikes are numerous, ranging from easy to hard. Looking for a hiking trip in Cape Town? Walks are abundant on Table Mountain Park.

Since there are so many routes to be discovered and not enough time in Cape Town, check out the recommended ways. Be wise about the hiking trail.

There are too many trails to mention. The most common trails on the mountain include the Plattteklip Gorge route, India Venster, and Skeleton Gorge hike.

Hiking is a popular way to summit the mountain. Hike Table Mountain on your own by taking the Platteklip Gorge route, or venture onto another path.

Look and look again. Where to start for pictures. Take a picture of the Table Mountain view or simply relax and enjoy some snapshots of the Dassies.

Great photos! – There are wildlife pictures to be taken in, on and off the trail. Dassies are the most common animal to be photographed on Table Mountain.

Get cameras ready. Animals like Dassies and birds seen upon exiting the Upper Cableway. Table Mountain is so vast that there are photo-taking opportunities everywhere.

Look out for the points of picture taking and remember to stay safe. Do not venture off the path. Pictures can make a pleasant visit on top of any viewpoint.

Ride The Table Mountain Cable Car In Minutes

Spectacular is the latest Aerial Cableway cable car design. Since the early days of Table Mountain Cableway, the ride has continuously improved year on year.

The cable car is a circular ride. It is an unpleasant ride stuck in the middle. Because there are so many people, beware of being crammed in the middle.

The Aerial Cableway Was Built Over Two Decades Ago Now It Stands On Table Mountain Cape Town.

The length of cable car ride depends on how many people there are before you. Minutes taken to ride the Table Mountain cable car depends on weather, number of people, and the tickets queue.

Table Mountain Aerial Cableway takes an average of 4 ½ imizuzu from the Lower cable car to the top or vice versa. One takes the cable car at the bottom, is the same as the top down.

Walking Down Table Mountain Can Take Long

Hikes can take anywhere from a half-day to a full-day trip to the mountains of Cape Town. There are routes for everybody of all ages and fitness levels.

Regular routes for locals are the Platteklip Gorge route and some other standard hiking trails in Cape Town. Most predominantly Platteklip Gorge hiking trail.

Round trip routes recommended for those with no experience in hiking Cape Town. These routes include the direct Platteklip Gorge to Aerial Cablecar.

Walking down Table Mountain can take upwards of 3-5 hours on the default Platteklip Gorge route. 6-8 hours on the Skeleton Gorge to Upper Aerial Cableway routes.

People may ask the regular questions about Table Mountain hikes. What’s great about these is that there are so many different routes to choose from hiking.

Walking up is not a problem for the many so long as they are taking with them enough water and trail snacks. We’d strongly recommend the cable car down.

Walking down the mountain is not preferable for those with preexisting medical conditions, including arthritis. So, walking down Table Mountain can take long and is dangerously not safe.

Walking up and down Table Mountain is an option for those hikers with sturdy knees. Would we suggest it? Hayi, but it doesn’t stop the many from doing it.

Parking For Table Mountain Cable Car

The cable car has parking at Table Mountain. Are you looking for parking at Table Mountain cable car? Those people self-driving to Table Mountain will find parking spots.

There are usually parking spots available on Table Mountain, as well as parallel parking for those looking for a tighter space to fit on a hot summer day.

Table Mountain has a long stretch of road that users can park on. Parking spots too. There is about 2km of paved road to park on along Tafelburg Road.

Table Mountain has lots of parking along the main road in both directions. Amatikiti eTafile eNtabeni sisikhokelo sakho samatikiti e-Cableway kwi-intanethi - kuzo zonke iindwendwe ezifuna ukwazi ngakumbi malunga nemoto yentambo! Parking to Table Mountain Tickets is along Tafelburg Road, Kapa to be exact.

Getting To Table Mountain Cable Car

Simple gets even more straightforward. Simply search Table Mountain Aerial Cableway on Google, and you will find directions on how to get to the cable car in Cape Town.

Different directions yield different results, from the city or beach. Driving or taking a taxi, we discuss how to get to Table Mountain cable car.

Nangona kunjalo, most locals will know. Asking a localhow do I get to Table Mountain cable car,” will get you a blank response if the local is not driving him or herself.

If you are driving to Table Mountain Cable Car and looking for directions, look at the map. Are you coming to the city? Take the road from Cape Town to Camps Bay.

Many People Comfortably Fit In The Cable Car

It depends on how you measure the average person, pet, or accompanying Dassie, but if you had a guess, it varies on the size, weight, and objects.

Let’s say we count average persons with a BMI no more than usual. Give or take depending on how many people fit inside the cable car at any particular time.

1..2.. hayi 70 people +1 operator can fit inside the cable car. Taking a guess is not appropriate for this task. We measure how many people can fit inside the cable car

Excluding those with larger than average physiques. Also included are those unfortunate persons who use wheelchairs. Seventy people give or can fit inside the cable car.

Running Frequency Of Table Mountain Cable Cars

One may ask the question at what frequency does the Aerial Cableway run throughout the day. The cable car runs at scheduled times throughout the day.

Count the days of the year the cable car runs, and it’s more often than not operational. More often than not, the Table Mountain cable car runs as per usual.

How often the cable car runs depends on the season, time and weather. It depends on the weather. Nangona kunjalo, most days, the cable car runs as usual.

Weather dependent. The cable car runs every day during season and takes approximately 4 ½ minutes to summit the Upper Aerial Cableway.

Table Mountain Cable Car Boarding Times

Board the cable car early or get there later. Tickets bought online will have the date printed in the confirmation email along with the ticket times.

Times differ based on the type of ticket. Check the card because the information on when you can board your cable car may read printed in bold.

The scheduled time legible printed on the ticket as either morning session or afternoon. A cable car can be boarded any time from the time of the issue of the e-ticket.

Any time during the designated tickets time, 8:00 ukuya 8:30 till 13:00 for a morning ticket and 13:00 till about 19:00 okanye 20:00 for an afternoon ticket.

Locations To Find The Aerial Cableway

Upper Aerial Cableway is for those people looking to take the cable car down, and the Lower Aerial Cableway is for those people looking to take the cable car up.

Sorting through the cable car information on where to board the right cable car can be overwhelming. Nangona kunjalo, we note that you can board at one of two places.

Kulungile, it depends. It depends on whether you plan on taking the cable car up and hiking down or hiking up and taking the cable car down and vice versa.

Did you plan on hiking up first? Where you can board your cable car depends on whether the ticket purchased for a return trip or a one-way pass.

Some people look for answers on the web about catching the cable car. Hiking up in any direction complicates the question of where do you catch the cable car.

Look out for the Aerial Cableway signs. They protrude from the rocky base of the mountain on a pole.

Remember, there are two Aerial Cableways. The Lower Aerial cable car leads to the Upper Cableway, making it easy to plot those two locations on the map.

Located along Tafelburg Road with the postal code 8001, the office is central. The location of the cable car found using maps, searching Tafelburg road, or Table Mountain Tickets.

Amatikiti eNtaba yeTafile: Table Mountain Cableway 2022

Updated information on the costs to visit Table Mountain with tickets. Look at the information on this website about Table Mountain Aerial Cableway ticket prices

Ticket Prices For Table Mountain 2019/2020

Prices made by the Aerial Cableway and displayed on this website as services. Table Mountain Cableway ticket prices are subject to change without notice.

The prices remain unchanged since last updated—no announcement made on the annual Table Mountain Aerial Cableway ticket prices for 2019/2020 to date.

Table Mountain tickets are well-priced. The latest updates have seen a sharp price increase as much as 50% from the previously measured Table Mountain ticket prices.

Since the Aerial Cableway is a business for profit. Table Mountain ticket prices have continually increased each year for the past few years consecutively.

Tickets Cost To Table Mountain Cable Car

Tickets for Table Mountain can on this site in addition to the information required for boarding the cable car at times listed on the website.

Look for Table Mountain tickets online at lower costs. Low-cost options for the cable car include those wanting to save time and opt for passes by email.

Cheaper tickets can be found online than waiting in the queue. Tickets range in price from affordable options to expensive for those wanting to go in groups.

First, choose the ticket. How much Table Mountain tickets cost depends on the ticket type. Table Mountain tickets cost varies depending on the type of ticket.

Itheyibhile yokubhukisha iNtaba kwangaphambili

Ngokukrakra, you are asking this question. “Do you need to book Table Mountain in advance?”. If you are a latecomer, then now is the time for you to buy online.

Commonly referred to as latecomers, Table Mountain tickets should be booked in advance to save the hassle of purchasing tickets in the line on the day.

Smart visitors to Table Mountain look into pre-orders. Booking tickets in advance? Kulungile, that depends on you, mainly, but mainly recommended to buy online.

Most definitely the right option to buy tickets in advance. Amatikiti eTafile eNtabeni sisikhokelo sakho samatikiti e-Cableway kwi-intanethi - kuzo zonke iindwendwe ezifuna ukwazi ngakumbi malunga nemoto yentambo, don’t be one of those people to wait in line for up to 3 hours during Cape Town’s busy season.

Buying Table Mountain Tickets At The Top

Don’t risk it and go with the safe option. It depends if you want to risk it, but we’d caution you against buying your tickets at the top of Tale Mountain.

Be careful as it can get busy at times. Sometimes it gets way too busy, and then that is the time you want to look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I stuffed up.” 

Look, you can do it but not on your first time to Table Mountain Cableway. It’s possible, but you want to know that you aren’t getting yourself into a mess on top.

Ngokuqinisekileyo, but it’s not a good idea for most visitors to the Aerial Cableway. The answer to that is “Amatikiti eTafile eNtabeni sisikhokelo sakho samatikiti e-Cableway kwi-intanethi - kuzo zonke iindwendwe ezifuna ukwazi ngakumbi malunga nemoto yentambo!”; most people who hike uptake the cable car down.

You may be asking questions about the cost to ride the cable car, “how much is the cable car Cape Townor maybehow much is a ticket to Table Mountain?”.

Luckily we have those answers for you and more includingHow much does the cable car cost” kwaye “How much does it cost to visit Table Mountain.” 

Kulungile, let’s start by saying that the cable car is not free. Hayi, those who ask, “Is the cable car free,” are mistaken. The Aerial Cableway company is for profit.

Next, some may ask, with good reason, whether Table Mountain is free to use. Fair enough, Table Mountain is free to all who visit the slopes of the rocky mountain.

We recommend going back on what the question was, “Is Table Mountain free?” to answerHow much does it cost to visit Table Mountain.

Answer to both are void; there is no cost to visit Table Mountain because it is a national park with all the benefits of being a protected wildlife area.

So, if you are still asking questions likehow much does it cost to ride the cable car, then there is no solution for you, just pass on by quickly.

Table Mountain Cable Car Payment Methods

It’s easier to pay online than to use the Aerial Cableway tickets office on the day. Paying for Table Mountain cable car is possible through the online checkout.

Since we sell tickets in combination, payment takes arrangement on request within a few minutes of booking your Table Mountain tickets in advance through this website.

Table Mountain tickets can be purchased easily. There is more than one option of payment method for people looking to purchase Table Mountain tickets online.

Some options are better than others when you pay for the cable car. There are many options for payment, including pay by PayPal, credit card, or debit card.

Places You Can Buy Tram Tickets

Let’s look at the options for buying Table Mountain tickets. The best, most cost-effective way to purchase tickets to Table Mountain is now though online.

The website which you are on now sells bundled tickets to the Aerial Cableway cable car. Most people buy online through a service like Table Mountain Tickets.

There are too many options to buy tickets. Due to the sheer number of sellers, choose wisely. Looking at the tickets for table mountain can be a daunting task.

Table Mountain tickets made available for purchase in several ways through this website. Tickets for Table Mountain are purchased directly on this site

Buying Table Mountain Web Tickets

Tickets are bundled with information when it comes to buys. Regular complaints by customers involve the lack of accessible information available on the web.

Customer satisfaction comes first for the company, that is why we’d like to take some time to point out why it’s crucial to have more information.

Table Mountain Tickets is the provider of the best-bundled tickets who places information first, even before we have sold the customer a ticket.

Ticket sellers rarely, if ever, provide info. We’d like to add that giving tickets without information is a sure way to increase customer dissatisfaction.

Swamping the foreigner with sign-up requests is terrible for industry practices. Visitors to Table Mountain National Park face ticket vendors.

Most people buy once off Table Mountain tickets, so let’s not abuse the industry to market to people who may never purchase from the same website again.

Let’s stick to the purpose of single-use. Industry sharks like these, opt-in every user to their marketing programs. A way to monetize their subscribers.

A popular one which we would not recommend is by going through a ticket reseller which requests your private information even BEFORE making a buy.

We’d like to cover this within the scope of this page, but it would take too long, so we request another look—options for web tickets discussed in another article.

Some sellers ask for private info. Are you seriously going to fill out your account details for a ticket seller who may not have your best interests in mind?

The industry rewards shady businesses. Table Mountain Tickets is committed to privacy, so much so that we usually do not sell or pass on your data.

Some people buy tickets off-web tickets, like unscrupulous tickets seller who requests your private data just before buying web tickets. We do not recommend it.

Specials On Table Mountain Cable Car Tickets

Specials are a rarity if ever found online. Predominantly at fixed prices over 20 years. Right now, there is only one long-lasting ticket special.

There were only a handful of instances when the Aerial Cableway lowered ticket prices. Ticket specials are infrequent and should not change labeled as the rule.

There is no telling when the next special is going to be or even if ever. Travelers should not arrange their trip around Table Mountain cable car ticket specials.

One such discount is on sale. There are Table Mountain tickets on special, but most of these happen during a time when no-one wants to come to Cape Town.

Birthday Specials On Table Mountain Cable Car

There’s no such thing as a free lunch expect one thing. Nothing is free in life, but if you look closely, you might find Table Mountain cable car birthday specials.

Table Mountain Is Not Free On Your Birthday

Apart from the misinformation and shared info. We kind of feel responsible for those visitors to Cape Town. Visitors who think that Table Mountain is free on your birthday.

Let’s say that you are the poor tourist who heard about this from a local citizen. Kulungile, it’s not except for those who dream of having South African citizenship.

The misinformed know about the Cable Car special. Locals who are freebie hunters will know about Table Mountainsongoing Cable Car Birthday special.

Hayi, who said that? Besides South African citizens, which may not be a whole lot of readers, most people do not get the benefit of a free birthday ticket to Cableway.

Table Mountain Aerial Cableway Hours & Amaxesha

During the season, the Cableway is open at different hours and times. Table Mountain Aerial Cableway hours and times information displayed on this website.

Closing Times Of Table Mountain Cable Car

It’s the weather and season. Asking what time the Cable Car closes is not a useful question, because that said, the Cablecar shuts it’s doors after sunset.

Ballpark figures for Cableway times. Let’s say that the cable car closes between 18:00 kwaye 20:00, and people will see the sunset on most days.

Iintsuku ezininzi, the Cableway closes at a happy hour, but it depends on a few things. It depends on the weather because on the day the wind can pick up.

The times that the cable car closes, there are no set times for the Aerial Cableway in Cape Town, Mzantsi Afrika. Table Mountain Cableway closes when it pleases.

Opening Times Of Table Mountain Cable Car

Kulungile, most tourists choose to visit the Cableway earlier as opposed to later. Opening times of Table Mountain Aerial Cableway are dependent on seasons.

There’s a time for all. For those not willing to get up too early, the Cableway hosts the morning cable car without the added stress of getting there later.

Let’s not forget that most people are not able to get up earlier in the day. Table Mountain opens in the morning with the first ride to the top as soon as 7:30. 

Appropriate for dawn. There’s a special early bird ticket, but most cable cars go up at around 8:00 ukuya 8:30. The Cableway opens most days between 8:00 ukuya 8:30.

Best Time To Go Up Table Mountain Cable Car

Some people may ask, “what is the best time to go up Table Mountain?”. Nangona kunjalo, there is NO short answer as time is different for everybody on schedules.

There is no best time to go up Table Mountain. Everyone can join in on the Table Mountain Aerial Cableway without prior experience in taking a cable car.

Table Mountain times make grouped sections for ticket use. There are no best times, but you can go to Table Mountain throughout the day at distinct parts.

Table Mountain passes, split into two times. Morning tickets when you can buy the ticket in advance for the 8:00-8:30 session or afternoon 13:00 till the Cableway closes.

Last Cable Car Times Table Mountain Cape Town

Kunoko, schedule for a sunset Table Mountain special, in that case, you’d be better off in terms of mountain safety and be back before dark on the last cable car.

Better to go up on the last cable car, is to schedule your plans around sunset time. That way, you’d be planning your trip in light of the sunset and not dark.

You’d instead not go on the last cable car up Table Mountain, please remember that this is not something that you can change, the Cableway has fixed hours.

Please don’t go up on the last cable car up as you might get stuck and not enjoy the view on top. The last cable car goes up Table Mountain at around 19:00. 

Closed Days On Table Mountain

Check before the day that you go to Table Mountain on Google, “Is Table Mountain closed?” The chances are that you will find the answer within a minute.

Days on which Table Mountain closes doors include annual cable car maintenance, two weeks out of the year, and during the off-peak seasons for SA tourism.

Table Mountain is closed on severe weather days and during rare occasions including the viral outbreak of COVID-19. Special mention has to go to rainy days and windy weather.

Kulungile, that depends on the weather and the Table Mountain Aerial Cableway hours & amaxesha. Best to check before going as not to get stuck on the mountain.

Contact Table Mountain

Wrong place. Table Mountain Tickets is a provider of the passes required to enter the cable car, and thus, we do not know about the cable car operation numbers.

There are many contact details available on the web for people to enquire about the Cape Town weather services or the Aerial Cableway administration office.

Which details? Are you looking for Table Mountain’s contact details? Maybe it’s the number to contact the Aerial Cableway or the number for the weather hotline.

The Table Mountain Aerial Cableway is the right place to look at search engines. Sorry, we can’t help you out with Table Mountain’s contact information.


How long does Table Mountain take?

The time one needs to visit the colossal peak varies based on one’s interests, the average time of 2 ukuya 3 hours suffices in most instances. One can take longer if hiking or relax if need be and take a stroll along with the upper Aerial Cableway viewing deck.

On average, most people take around two to three hours. They know that they need to queue on return. The task can take between 1 ukuya 2 iiyure.

How long is the Tafelberg ride?

The ride itself takes under five minutes. If one accounts for the time waiting, then upwards of 2 ukuya 3 hours during peak period. Buy vouchers online and save the hassle of waiting in the wrong path for the tickets queue.

How does one get up to Table Mountain Cable Car?

To get to the transportation is easy, multiple modes of transport are available to ascend to the top. The peak is accessible via the lower Cableway base station.

The easiest is to take the MyCiTi bus, the Cape Town public transport aimed at shuttling passengers to the point of entry on the iconic peak. Ukusuka apho, cross the road to access the base Aerial Cableway office. Go to the express queuing line for those who purchased Cable Car admissions to the upper Cableway.

What are the Tafelberg admission costs?

Vouchers for the top vary based on whether one is going one way or booking a return trip for the funicular. Purchasing tickets online through us lessens the price of the ticket. One saves the loss of waiting in line for the ride by pre-booking online and receiving passes within 24 iiyure, check out the reviews.

Table Mountain cost

Tickets cost depends on the card issued and the time of day one goes. Funicular tickets are cheaper than one way of hiking up and then taking the return ride. Return trips have cost-saving and time-saving benefits.

The contact details confirm sales or discounted specials. Sunset special, birthday special and R90 special are a few. For those without South African citizenship, those discounts are not applicable. Cableway passes purchased through us, the cheapest cost to go to the upper peak with no hassle-guaranteed!

The highest privacy protection in the industry is that we do not store user data with third parties.

Things That exist on Tafelberg

Things to do on Table Mountain. More activities than in the city. What to do on the flat section depends on imagination. Most imagine the sharp pinnacle in this vast landscape, with little vegetation-wrong! What exists on the peak? On top, one can see the Cape from the bird’ s-eye view that no one else sees from the land. There are birds, café’s, restaurants, kunye neevenkile.

Photography of the inspiring peaks are popular, Cape Point and Cape of Good Hope, the most visible attractions from a vantage point none other than the pinnacle.

CPT to Tafelberg directions

Ngumbuzo omhle lowo, and one we ask ourselves sometimes to get from Table Mountain to Cape Town in the minimal time-one must ride the Cable Car. To take the funicular will save two hours from hiking descent on steep trails and be an asset in whether one reaches the city on time. The town itself is extensive, so being specific where one wants to go defines time.

How does one go from 1000m to 0 in five minutes, Cableway! Get the local transport from the prominent Lower Aerial Cableway to Central and enjoy spectacular views from above at 360°. Enjoy the fastest time out on the route from the Upper Cableway station to Central.

There is no quicker way other than the presidential helicopter, or a ticket out on rescue emergency helicopters (reserved for the injured).

How long does the entire journey take?

The duration depends on the visitor’s goals, from getting admission to the star pinnacle. If one is more of a person trot along at a leisurely pace, take 4 ukuya 5 iiyure, without counting the clock. If time is not available, and one experiences the shortest time, then the recommended duration Table mountain should take around 2 ukuya 3 iiyure, enough time to go to the funicular.

Drink or have a meal on top of the café and get photos. Head back when completed. It takes longer because of the lines; kodwa, during peak season, expect a wait of at least 30 minutes to one hour. Now that visitors have the time to return plan the next visit to Western Cape with the best guide out, our website, then buy tickets to complete the upcoming vacation.

Cable Car schedule

The schedule runs every five minutes, often as the weather permits. They adjust the times every annual maintenance schedule, so any consistent times are pre-planned. The Aerial Cableway can close on account of the weather.

How long does one need to enjoy?

Most people spend two to three hours. We can extend time-based on the person’s interests. We recommend spending longer on hiking than if one is to take the ride. Waiting in line adds an extra 2 ukuya 3 hours during peak season. Take time and relax! Total time around 4 ukuya 6 iiyure.

How much is the Cable Car?

Kwiwebhusayithi yethu, find cost data for the Cableway. Most passes are within the budget, making it easy for everyone to afford to go up by the ride. Discounted entries available for South African citizens, and other featured promotions only available on this website. Check an updated list of prices on our site.

How do visitors access the mountain?

One must take either a taxi or self-drive to the lower station to catch the transport. The journey takes around 20 minutes from CPT Central. Those taking public transport will take the MyCiTi bus from the City Center to the Tafelberg parking via Kloof Nek Road.

Duration of the Table Mountain walk.

Fitness level, and capabilities on mountaineering, dictate how long the walk takes. It might take one around 2 ukuya 3 iiyure. Not including the time to snack, drink, Imithombo yolwazi lwetikiti leTable Mountain ibandakanya iwebhusayithi yethu. There are two options to hike up. Not to be made without a guide. Platteklip Gorge is the most common trek.

Is Climbing Table Mountain Hard?

Kulungile, that depends on whom one asks, but climbing the sheer rock can be hard. Reviews confirm. There are various routes, paths, and trails that one can do for hikes. Day trips include easy, moderate, and hard trails.

Visitors to decide which one works best and whether to climb Tafelberg via an easier or a harder route. Platteklip Gorge is the easiest route while India Venster and Skeleton Gorge at Kirstenbosch, the hardest.

Is Table Mountain the highest in Africa?

Kilimanjaro is higher than Tafelberg; many speculate that the South African peak is a harder hike. More people fail to summit the flat top peak than the ever-higher famous pinnacle. If one asks the tallest mountain in South Africa, the answer is the Mafadi peak. Around 3450 meters compared to Tafelberg’s 1087m.

Most agree that Platteklip Gorge is among the hardest routes in RSA, beating Skeleton Gorge and India Venster because of its sharp incline.

How was Table Mountain formed?

Upper rock formed 350 kwiminyaka ezizigidi eyadlulayo. The peak draws in visitors from around the world and shows the spectacular power of nature in the flat top. Over the years, the soft rock eroded, leaving behind a hardtop. There are three dominant rock types. The majority is dense Granite.

What are the prices for Table Mountain?

The return trip cost is affordable. We adjust those for the recent year, updated. How much depends on the number of cards issued! There are discounts and specials available only on our website for admissions.

Created with customers in mind; E-vouchers break the wallet less than waiting in line. All cards provided are within reasonable price ranges, giving that the admission for passes comes with so much information. There is more to plain rock than meets the eye.

Last Cable Car return

At 5 emva kwemini, but we have made a schedule based on the times that the ride goes up, and the last times for each month. Umzekelo, winter is earlier than summer and summer an hour or two later than winter. A visitor needs to check the contact details.

Is it possible to buy tickets at the shop?

Not a good idea. There are a few ways to gain passes upon arriving at Tafelberg, but those choices likely not for most. For starters, only one way exists to get return cards at the trinkets shop.

Restaurant and café used to sell passes, but now only sales lady at the top Aerial Cableway station sells e-vouchers. The people in green (staff) wanted to streamline pass sales. Still, they ended up shifting the sales online. That is why passes are available on our website.

How do self-drive visitors get to Tafelberg?

Follow the directions from maps to reach the ride within 20 imizuzu. From Cape Town Central, take the high road called Buitenkant to the Kloof Nek Road and, after, turn left. Continue for 100 meters to the parking place, after the Pipeline track, to access the Lower station parking.

How much is the unused ticket to Table Mountain?

Prices vary in prices for the funicular. Pre-trip passes are a preferred way for many to ascend the tall peaks. Do not wait to buy those nifty e-vouchers. Hayi, get express admission online now! The cost for which varies based on the combination and the total number of cards issued.

How long is the Table Mountain Cable Car ride?

They measured 4 ukuya 5 minutes duration, but better count the time to wait in line, A, with a Cableway ticket and B, without one. To ride the funicular in under five minutes, pre-book tickets in advance for the transport.

Can one buy tickets at the top of Tafelberg?

Amatikiti eTafile eNtabeni sisikhokelo sakho samatikiti e-Cableway kwi-intanethi - kuzo zonke iindwendwe ezifuna ukwazi ngakumbi malunga nemoto yentambo, but one should not. Cableway passes at the upper station. We do not recommend it because the lines are long. A return trip with us is time-saving and more convenient.

Can one buy tickets at Table Mountain?

E-cards at the venue are a different question (we oppose the idea), ngoba? Because the waiting queue has large long lines. During peak season, the admission queue range extends one kilometer (or a mile) or further on the road while the cars pile back to back.

That is for getting cards on-site at Tafelberg. Better is to buy pre-booked passes in advance through our website.

How much is a Cable Car to Table Mountain?

Costs updated on the website for e-passes stocked to rock the day and priced in USD. To see the web ticket cost, including the entrance, visit the latest prices page. Most of the time, these costs change with Dollar Rand, so we make them available in the currency of our location. Prices are, more often than not, cheaper than visiting the Aerial Cableway, ngoba? Because of the sunk costs of waiting in line for hours.

People choose electronic Cableway tickets vs. printed passes (print is available) because of the time-saving convenience and the fact that the ticket office is a long wait.

How long is the Cable Car ride to Table Mountain?

The actual ride is short, under five minutes. Ukuya apho, take the Lower Aerial Cableway from the express queue with passes, bought on our site. Within the ride up, one will see the Mother City from 360-degree angles.

Not enough? The duration includes hard to see spots in the Western Cape. Best things include the view of Robben Island. Let us remember the Cape of Good Hope. More frequented places are the Boulder Beach, Penguin Colony, and the Atlantic Oceans.

Can one buy tickets on top of the peak?

Ngokuqinisekileyo, but we do not recommend it. Hayi, do not! There are long lines to buy vouchers at the pinnacle of the massive shop. No longer does one need to wait in line for passes. Buy online.

There are benefits to purchasing Cableway e-passes in advance through us. Those individual items include a whole seven-day validity to the infamous landmark in Cape Town. Most days are great! There are access entries to the Aerial Cableway, free WiFi zone, and the restaurant and bar. Entry cards afford visitors a particular extra reason for every occasion.

How do travelers get to Table Mountain Cable Car?

Ukuya apho, take the local expressway, from Central up Kloof Nek via the Upper Buitenkant Street. Public transport? Search the “bus near me” for the info. Most people take either private transport (their rental car) or the MyCiTi bus to the Lower Aerial Cableway. Look towards the Platteklip Gorge entrance and up the steep hiking trail around one-hundred meters driving along the road.

Ukusuka apho, backtrack to the parking along Tafelberg Road, and squeeze the car in a spot. If one is not comfortable driving, walk up to the main road, where the Pipe Track starts, and surprise, more parking. The ride starts one kilometer down the road.

Is the sun shining on top of Tafelberg today?

Visitors may ask of what is the visibility on the above-ground peak today. Answers elude most. To seek the conditions, ask, what is the weather in Cape Town? There are different answers, based on the topography of the prehistoric rock.

The victorious peak is 1 km (3280.84ft) high and supports a different host climate to CBD. The sun is fabulous on the summit. Better than Mother City central, ngoba? Because the rocky pinnacle is above the clouds. Find out the high-altitude climate by visiting the national weather channel or look at Google, AccuWeather, Iweathar

What is the temperature on top of Table Mountain?

Altitude temperatures are colder than the CBD surrounding district. Ngoba? Because the high up peak has a cleaner and fresher air. During the summer, the overarching peak gets hot; during winter, the rock face can have a better temperature than the surrounding city.

Wet season pushes in the sea breeze, making the city instead of freezing, while on the pinnacle above the clouds, the weather can be bearable. Average temperatures range from 12° during colder months to 30° during summer measured in Celsius. Dry heat categorizes Cape weather, and tourists can still visit with a short or long sleeve in winter.

Is it colder on top of Table Mountain?

One may ask every so often, “how cold is it on Tafelberg?. Thus, the answer may not be so simple. As one knows, the height of the pinnacle-at one km (3280.84ft), is higher than the city around it and makes for colder climates. How could it depend on the season; during the wet season, the high pinnacle can be more refreshing than summer.

Given that, on any day, the conditions can change from 2 ukuya 4 seasons in one day. It ranges from the rain in the morning to the sun in the afternoon. The coldest recorded temperatures on the ground have been below freezing. Nangona kunjalo, those infrequent days are only one or two days per year. Remember, a jacket pullover during winter and, during summer, bring an umbrella, as the temperatures get hot on top of the tallest peak.

How often is Table Mountain closed?

The frequency in which Tafelberg is closed depends on the conditions, season, and annual maintenance. If the mountaintop closure applies, the announcement is on the contact number or visible when the mechanical transport seen through the clouds. If those days, the rain pours from the sky, or the wind picks up from the ocean, the top section will be closed.

The Cableway may often stay closed in the morning because of light rain or strong wind, only to open later again during the afternoon. Daily operations may close for a significant part of the day, or if put on pause, it might open later.

Table Mountain cost

The price changes and only estimates given. Each year, the managing company behind the Cableway changes how much admission costs. Makes estimating very hard. We can say that booking admission via our website is better than buying at the venue. Ready, set, and go! Those discounted web tickets might be the best way to ascend the high top in under five minutes.

What time does the last ride descend?

Last times are season dependent. On average, the final Cable Car up Tafelberg departs at around 5:00 emva kwemini. Winter is earlier than summer, as the time in which the ultimate car goes up, the summit as late as 7:00 pm during peak weeks. Plan for around 4:00 pm because the funicular might take longer than expected and always remember the waiting lines. Avoid getting up late by pre-booking.

How does one get to Tafelberg Cable Car?

Most enjoy worry-free transport from Cape Town by their tour company, who is driving by themselves and enquiring for directions. Ask Google, “How do I get to Table Mountain” because it is the right question. The best and easiest way to reach by hiring a car and parking on Tafelberg Road. Cross the car park to the Lower Aerial Cableway.

Tickets at the top of Tafelberg

We sell the top of the mountain tickets is for hikers. Ngoba? Because the queue can extend beyond a reasonable time. Buy online via our website to save hours waiting in line.


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