Imizila ekhokelela kwiNtaba yeTafile ukuya elityeni elikhulu kwindawo esembindini weKapa. Ukunyuka ngeenyawo eKapa kungafunyanwa ngeenyawo ezinkulu kunye nobhaka.
Ukhenketho lweNtaba yeTafile, ezinikezelwa ziinkampani ezahlukeneyo zokunyuka intaba, kodwa kukwakhona ukhetho lokwenza ngokwakho - DIY. Yiza nokutya okulula kunye nokunye izinto zokunxiba xa kubanda kwiNtaba yeTafile.
Olo tyelelo, yabambalwa, zikude kwaye zimbalwa. Most people looking to hike up Table Mountain compelled, some times by the sheer elevation.
Table Mountain hikes are the best way to experience the national park. Enthusiasts can rest assured of a day filled with hiking.
Half-day and full-day tours most often quoted as the ways to experience the mountain. Though, hiking solo can be an exciting adventure.
Sports like Table Mountain hiking most often excels in a few ways. Those trails in Cape Town, cannot be fully experienced by the cable car.
Trails which often include Platteklip Gorge, Skeleton Gorge, and India Venster, are the most common ways to ascend the mountain.
3 Exciting Table Mountain day trip hikes
Number 1. Platteklip Gorge upwards trawl
Platteklip AKA. Platteklip Gorge is a full day-trip from the Lower Aerial Cableway. Go 1km down Tafelburg Road, meet the entrance of the valley.
The gorge is also the steepest way to summit Table Mountain, but also the most rewarding. Three hours were hiking from Table Mountain via Platteklip to the cable car.
Most people come ill-equipped to deal with the trench of a trail. Valley’s like Platteklip Gorge is hot in summer, windy in winter.
Bring enough water for a day on the most extreme Table Mountain hike. 2l of water is usually enough to quench your thirst.
Number 2. Skeleton Gorge complicated scenic route
Kirstenbosch Gardens is the place to start the Skeleton Gorge trail. The ladders hike with multiple sections of rock surface to climb on is popular among everyone.
Thrill-seekers are welcome to join the long hikes starting directly above the scented plant section. Most people take, on average, 6 hours to hike.
The round-trip route is slightly shorter at 5 iiyure, with the long way upwards of 6 iiyure. 8 hours of hiking down Platteklip Gorge on the North Face.
Begin at Kirstenbosch Gardens or Newlands Forest and make your way to the beacon, afterward head down by the cable car or hike down Platteklip.
Number 3. India Venster downwards up rock climbing
Rock climbing on Table Mountain is accessible with the India Venster route on the North Face of Table Mountain. Directly under the Aerial Cableway location.
Start the hike at the Lower Aerial Cableway to obtain scenic rock climbing on the route and some downwards up excitement with the pegs.
Most people opt for other routes out of safety on Table Mountain, and no disagreement from our part – India Venster is a high-risk route.
Stay to other routes like Platteklip if you are a first-time climber or go to the next level with Skeleton Gorge and Nursery Ravine round routes.
Other Day Trips Out of Cape Town with Hiking
Boulders Beach sun sand and penguins
Down south, there is a beach called Boulders. Notably, rocks formed out of Granite make up most rocks from Table Mountain’s great height.
Penguins populate the beach like sunbathers on a hot day; most African Penguins are local to the Western Cape. They have never seen snow in their life.
Places like the beach are photogenic, who sees penguins in Africa? Locals do, but with a lot of patience and surprise. Egg here! – Look at that chick.
Boulders Beach with blue waters and white sand is home to flappy birds. Penguins absorb the sun with their black and white feathers, coated in protective oil.
Cape Point far down south
There is a sign, “welcome to Cape Point – Cape Nature Reserve.” The symbol means nothing, but you are at the South Westerly most point in South Africa – congrats.
Applause, pause, and think about the magnitude of the discovery. Kulungile, technically visitors did not discover it but well done for achieving it,
After snapping some pics down south at Cape Point, the Nature Reserve with the most overpriced entrance, then go to the next point – the lighthouse.
Search through Google Maps to find the next one because there are two in Cape Town, do not mistake the lighthouse for the one along Green Point Main Rd.
The lighthouse is a trek
Trekking to the lighthouse takes approximately 1 yure, during which time, bring enough water and trail snacks. The tower is also in proximity to Cape Point.
Lighthouse, formerly a used technical point, is not abandoned. But that doesn’t stop people from walking there and taking amazing photos, great pics.
Cape of Good Hope in Table Mountain
Within Table Mountain is another National Park, one that goes above all, Cape Nature reserve is unique for many and includes the Cape of Good Hope.
Are you looking forward to a Cape of Good Hope day-trip? We are, now, hop in the van and head off to this beautiful attraction in the south of Cape Town.
Day-trips to Cape of Good Hope would not be complete without a tram ticket and wine at the Two Oceans Restaurant. Savor the flavors at their unique spot.
More possibly, take a seat on top of the tram to get above the two different currents of the ocean in one place, with a spectacular advantageous view.
West Coast National Park is under-rated
West Coast Cape Town home to the beautiful, wacky wildlife reserve. National Parks, like the West Coast, deserves way more credit than they receive.
Animals, iintaka, and wildlife exist in harmonious nature in the West Coast National Park. The Langebaan Lagoon, turquoise in color – part of the Nature Reserve.
Once seen, Table Mountain’s West Coast National Park cannot be unseen. Enjoy undocumented nature like never seen before – and get the right view place.
Isishwankathelo, Table Mountain hosts so many different hikes – choose the one that is right for you and more enjoyable, choose two which you fancy.