杰夫和他86岁的老婆一起访问开普敦; 他也不是春鸡. 在他晚年, 杰夫想在他90岁生日之前看到一切. 他之所以选择和他的妻子一起去南非,是因为他们认为他们可以在为期29天的陆上旅行中看到所有野生动物. 开普敦是该团体夜间聚会的第一站. 总共三十个, 该小组将在唯一的酒店见面 8:00 夏普.
杰夫能够及时在缆车中安排行程 8 是. 自第一部缆车上八点钟起, it afforded them time to visit Table Mountain. Tickets for Table Mountain were bought five days in advance, with two senior cards at a discount rate to the average price. Now that they had bought their tickets online, the last step was to get confirmation of passes. The night before Jeff was worried that his tickets would not arrive, but he checked Gmail, and to his surprise, the tickets were there from two days before. Made things easy when he was checking electronic mails.
On the day of the Aerial Cableway, Jeff arrived early to find the line long. The ticket line was mainly affected by the people coming from Southeast Asian countries. Jeff, an old-timer USA citizen, wanted to speed things up by getting in front before everyone else, or else it would take too long to get up the mountain. 门票与桌山门票捆绑出售,并与开普敦缆车的两程快速通行证有效. 便宜却负担得起的两个人去缆车, 杰夫想知道他的生日,以及空中索道提供免费还是打折机票.
不幸, 杰夫是外国人, 这使他很难出示身份证. 除此以外, 使用他的旧高级ID来获得R的桌山生日票是个好主意 0.00. 当他选择AM票时,还可以使用Sunset个人票, 但由于他那天晚上八点与陆上旅行团会面, 他想要上午.
杰夫已经在很多天前买了票, 他能够使许多人通过, 排队在下空中索道购买机票. 他热衷于成为夏季首批登上缆车的人之一, 只适合 70 人. 现在时间到了, he leaped in front of the queue to redeem his Table Mountain tickets. The staff member of Table Mountain, wearing a green uniform at the front, was delighted to receive a card from an older member who purchased their ticket online with the scanning barcode visible.
The staff member scanned the ticket with the hand-held barcode scanner and gave way to Jeff and his wife. 4 ½ minutes later, they were at the top of the Aerial Cableway, and there were magnificent views that day. 乌云笼罩着大西洋海岸; 早晨,云层也覆盖了桌山, 被称为桌布. 这两个自然现象是与杰夫和他的妻子合影留念的. 他们在美国为孙子拍摄了一些照片.
美国有一些壮丽的山脉,但没有像开普敦的桌面一样. 这座高约1公里,长3公里的山峰是开普敦中心地区市中心的背景. Atlantic Seaboard is the viewpoint from Table Mountain from behind Lions Head Mountain, with Signal Hill Road and Robben Island at approximately 7km from the Clock Tower at the V&A Waterfront. Since these landmarks are so visible from the top of Table Mountain, there is no need to use a map, 看! The only plans that visitors should be using are Google Maps South Africa. Navigating a city like Cape Town does require expert knowledge of where it is safe to go alone and where to stay in Cape Town, 至.
Luckily, Jeff had booked at a beautiful sea resort for a day or two near the Waterfront. Their accommodation in Cape Town had provided them with the Do’s and Don’ts for staying in Cape Town, which included avoiding areas like Long St and regions near Cape Town International airport, not safe for foreigners.
The hotel was at the Waterfront, which is a relatively safe area comprising of the Greenpoint, Sea Point and Three Anchor Bay areas. Their prominence in Cape Town makes up part of the Atlantic Seaboard. 坎普斯湾和克利夫顿地区也属于大西洋沿岸地区的一部分. 桌山的美景包括大西洋海滨, 这使得Jeff和他的妻子很容易发现海滨, 像坎普斯湾的海滩, 和更多! 杰夫对参观博尔德斯海滩企鹅等地区特别感兴趣, 好望角和开普角.
这三个地区是他们在西开普省进行陆路游览的第一天. 考虑到这一点, 他们从桌山的景色中保存了照片,以显示当晚他们从缆车下车的三十人的旅游团.
从Jeff那里得知,购买Table Mountain门票的唯一途径是在线. 桌山门票(Table Mountain Tickets)之类的服务可让您全程畅游, 捆绑的缆车票. 门票已跳过高票排队的队列, 这对早起桌山起了很大的作用-强烈推荐,必不可少.
综上所述 – Jeff bought his Table Mountain tickets five days before the Cable Car in Cape Town, which saved him hours of waiting time in the line for passes. He and his wife were able to see the view from Table Mountain by exploring the area near the Upper Aerial Cableway.
Pictures taken of the Southern part of Cape Town included mainly Cape of Good Hope, 巨石滩, and other Cape Town sightseeing attractions, which he and his wife would see the next day while on tour.