

帕特里克从国外来访; 他想做桌山一日游. 他的朋友正在寻找在开普敦要做的事情, 太. 然而, 他们只能等着帕特里克在网上找到信息. 帕特里克(Patrick)不断搜索信息,但, 他只能在缆车上看到点点滴滴的数据, 次, 营业时间, 和桌山门票的费用 2020. 令他沮丧的是, 空中索道缺乏购买桌山门票的必要步骤的信息. 当他的一位朋友跟着他跟进桌山一日游的进度时,这让他更加沮丧. 帕特里克(Patrick)唯一能做的就是在网上寻找桌山(Table Mountain)门票的信息源,并可以选择购买一日游通票,作为捆绑到雄伟山脉的通行证.
帕特里克找到了桌山门票网站, 与它, 他需要的所有信息. 他的朋友们, 十人一组, 在过渡期间焦急地等待着他的信息. 别无选择, 帕特里克(Patrick)和他的朋友们转发了该网站, 他们开始交谈,发现桌山门票网站上的信息对于计划前往开普敦桌山国家公园的旅行至关重要. 桌山空中索道正计划即将举行的活动,其中包括缆车的日落门票. 然而, 帕特里克(Patrick)只想让他的朋友上架高空缆车,然后下车进行最后一次骑行 8 夏季下午. 缆车将停止运营 8:00 活动的后三天下午, 这就是为什么帕特里克在下午的时间提前购买桌山门票的原因, CPT前三天.
门票是通过捆绑购买(如桌山门票)在线购买的. 购买后,帕特里克的所有问题都有机会得到解答. 包括桌山门票的费用在内的问题 2020 和价格,以团体上乘缆车, 学生优惠, 还有老人, 高级折扣. 可以在空中缆车上购买绿卡, 但由于帕特里克不是南非公民, 所以他选择做常规的事情,并购买一张通票的缆车通行证. 没有一个更好的选择让他作为一个整体可以在线输入他的信用卡详细信息,因为该网站接受了两张信用卡, 贝宝, 和其他选择. 美元甚至被拿走, 很棒, 考虑到大多数人在来到南非之前要么兑换成美元,要么在使用美元卡, 如美国运通, 万事达, 和签证. 桌山门票可以用任何货币购买,因为该网站为来自世界各地的旅行者提供选择, 商家帐户仅收取转换费, 银行, 或卡提供商. 欧元也是另一个受欢迎的地方,就是在中国银行兑换桌山门票甚至人民币的货币。, 万事达, 或微信支付账户.
帕特里克(Patrick)从他的朋友那里收取了钱,并以成本价购买了十张桌山门票, 比在网上搜寻不可靠的信息源要少. 桌山门票还包括桌山地图和主要服务,此外还包括获得山门票的增值服务. 其他内容包括桌山野生动物和饮食场所的信息, 喝, 开普敦购物. 信息甚至包括罗本岛上令人期待的事实, 滨水区, 和开普敦的其他著名景点. 网站的行程中还建议观光, 包括好望角, 巨石滩, 和开普敦的其他地标, 开普敦最佳景点玩乐, 至. After Patrick received the cards, the next step was to check that the date on the tickets matched the data entered online. That was okay because Patrick saw that the year was for three days from the date that he purchased the tickets for the cable car in Cape Town. His friends were arriving for the next few days, and he, wanting to get things organized, checked over the information on the Cable Car, 空中索道, and Table Mountain with a toothpick of attention sorting all info wisely.
The day came, and Patrick retrieved his Table Mountain tickets online with the barcode to enter via the Cableway. Table Mountain needed passengers on that day to take the Lower Aerial Cablecar to the Upper Aerial Cablecar with little or no delay, so that is why reminders were sent out the day before on proper boarding safety for Table Mountain including what to avoid on Table Mountain. Muggings and Dassies biting man were often happening at that time; although muggings had subsided quite drastically, Dassies were still on the move and a prominent threat on Table Mountain. Visitors of the park would be having a lovely walk along the top of the mountain when all of a sudden – Bam. A dassie would walk along the path and chase them for their food, drinks, or candy. Dassies would not often bite humans, but because they were starving, they would hunt them until the humans would drop the package. Don’t lose the Table Mountain tickets, Patrick thought, all the better that they are in an electronic version, printable but yet still redeemable via the free pass on Table Mountain tickets.
综上所述, Patrick had a good day on the mountain with the help of Table Mountain Tickets. 他在网站上和其他地方找到的信息有助于他选择在正确的时间和正确的价格预订缆车. 桌山空中索道当时正在举办活动, 所以早点买票. 游戏开始之前到达那里, 帕特里克(Patrick)可以看到桌山(Table Mountain)的景色. 在新事物之上体验自然 7 自然奇观并拍照.



Fred and Anna were a dual nationality couple from the United States of America and Ukraine. Both had unique professions. Fred was an application developer, working mainly with WordPress, and Anna was a lawyer and multi-lingual expert, speaking almost seven different languages fluently. They wanted to come to Cape Town and experience Table Mountain National Park, but were unsure of what the New 7 Wonder of Nature had to offer in terms of hiking, cable car, walking, trails, 和更多! So they did the most intelligent thing to do on the web, which as – “Google it!.” They just searched the terms on Google “Table Mountain tickets” and up came the components of the search, 包括费用 2020 and the website Tablemountaintickets.com. Updated with information on the Aerial Cableway for the year 2020.

Fred wanted to get things organized, being the logical one, he tried to plan and pre-purchase return tickets for the Lower Aerial Cableway in Cape Town a day before they arrived at the airport. Booking with his phone, he typed in the URL of the website to buy ticketstablemountaintickets.com and out popped the latest information with ticket times, cost, and availability for the next day. Taking out his credit card, he saw that the website also had an option to pay with PayPal, because he was from the US, this was the preferred option for many users of internet shopping. 桌山门票, purchased in many ways, including online with a credit card, 贝宝, and also some new options, 仅适用于桌山的VIP缆车客人. 面向学生的低成本选择.

第二天也是开普敦的美好一天; 天气预报说晴朗,几乎没有下雨的机会. 开普敦的秋天充满了这种独特的气息, 像新鲜的, 凉风习习的一天,很少出现阴天或大风天气. 安娜研究了留在开普敦的最佳时间,而他们选择的月份到了; 他们只计划了一个星期, 但这没关系,因为开普敦(Cape Town)的天气在到达前一个月的时间里已经显示出令人满意的结果. 如今,航空公司都在建议飞往开普敦的机票价格很优惠, 人们可以放心,从纽约到开普敦的廉价航班仅需几百美元, 美元. 美元现在大声了, 所以弗雷德(Fred)认为现在是购买从纽约到CPT的航班的好时机.

That was when he assured Anna that they were going to take some time off work in the Big Apple to find nature and lush green mountainsides on the slopes of Cape Town, 南非. It was the right decision because the following week, the prices of flights increased, and the Table Mountain Aerial Cable Car would begin it’s annual maintenance plan, closed for two weeks – Not a good omen if visiting the Mother City of Cape Town. Two weeks could mean the difference between taking the Cable Car or maybe even hiking Table Mountain with a tour guide service like the free Table Mountain tours. City sightseeing only offered transport to the Lower Aerial Cableway from Long Street, the office of City Sightseeing took them directly to the Cable Car. Anna planned that they would take the red bus on the day to sightsee Cape Town city. It was taking them in the morning to the Cable Car at the earliest open time. 8:00 是, and the Aerial Cableway was accessible to many people flocking to board the first shuttle up the mountain.

Anna and Fred, having purchased the tickets a day in advance, received confirmation of Table Mountain tickets by email in the morning on the day they were arriving. Since both were new to Cape Town, as American visitors, they took the time to read the blog at Table Mountain tickets, which was a primary source of information on the Cable Car, including things like times, 营业时间, 费率, and cost. The blog even had information on wild animals like Dassies and more safety advice for using the Table Mountain Aerial Cableway and visiting Cape Town, 南非. Ann had read that by using her tickets to go to Table Mountain; she was likely to see Baboons and wild mammals upon arriving at the Upper Aerial Cable Car Station. 然而, this fact was checked with websites like Table Mountain Tickets and deemed untrue based on the frequency of their sightings.

Dassies, 然而, are a common sighting on Table Mountain, 可以在上空中索道进入时看到, 而且对游客很友好. 他们名单上的下一个是返回缆车,并使用门票在桌山日落之前欣赏母亲城市的360度全景. 往返机票在空中索道上单程或往返有效, 所以他们约 4 小时参观桌山和游览开普敦。

桌山门票是一个供游客研究缆车的信息网站, 空中索道, 桌山门票, 次, and cost. Tickets pre-purchased online are a bundled package to the Cable Car, and then passes to the Cable Car are a secondary service when compared to the information.

Anna and Fred were able to get updated information on the Cable Car, 空中索道, and Table Mountain tickets, including costs and updated hours, 以及缆车是否开着. 他们的研究对他们有好处, 因为他们是第一个在早上登上缆车并进入上空中索道的人, 他们到来的第二天, 因此跳动线条并获得最佳的桌山美景. 这些回程票对他们来说是开普敦的难忘经历.

下一个, 安娜和弗雷德想去看看海豹岛和海豹一起游泳, 但这是一次不同的计划体验,一次不同的开普敦之旅值得花很多时间,而且还有更多时间.



杰夫和他86岁的老婆一起访问开普敦; 他也不是春鸡. 在他晚年, 杰夫想在他90岁生日之前看到一切. 他之所以选择和他的妻子一起去南非,是因为他们认为他们可以在为期29天的陆上旅行中看到所有野生动物. 开普敦是该团体夜间聚会的第一站. 总共三十个, 该小组将在唯一的酒店见面 8:00 夏普.

杰夫能够及时在缆车中安排行程 8 是. 自第一部缆车上八点钟起, it afforded them time to visit Table Mountain. Tickets for Table Mountain were bought five days in advance, with two senior cards at a discount rate to the average price. Now that they had bought their tickets online, the last step was to get confirmation of passes. The night before Jeff was worried that his tickets would not arrive, but he checked Gmail, and to his surprise, the tickets were there from two days before. Made things easy when he was checking electronic mails.

On the day of the Aerial Cableway, Jeff arrived early to find the line long. The ticket line was mainly affected by the people coming from Southeast Asian countries. Jeff, an old-timer USA citizen, wanted to speed things up by getting in front before everyone else, or else it would take too long to get up the mountain. 门票与桌山门票捆绑出售,并与开普敦缆车的两程快速通行证有效. 便宜却负担得起的两个人去缆车, 杰夫想知道他的生日,以及空中索道提供免费还是打折机票.

不幸, 杰夫是外国人, 这使他很难出示身份证. 除此以外, 使用他的旧高级ID来获得R的桌山生日票是个好主意 0.00. 当他选择AM票时,还可以使用Sunset个人票, 但由于他那天晚上八点与陆上旅行团会面, 他想要上午.

杰夫已经在很多天前买了票, 他能够使许多人通过, 排队在下空中索道购买机票. 他热衷于成为夏季首批登上缆车的人之一, 只适合 70 人. 现在时间到了, he leaped in front of the queue to redeem his Table Mountain tickets. The staff member of Table Mountain, wearing a green uniform at the front, was delighted to receive a card from an older member who purchased their ticket online with the scanning barcode visible.

The staff member scanned the ticket with the hand-held barcode scanner and gave way to Jeff and his wife. 4 ½ minutes later, they were at the top of the Aerial Cableway, and there were magnificent views that day. 乌云笼罩着大西洋海岸; 早晨,云层也覆盖了桌山, 被称为桌布. 这两个自然现象是与杰夫和他的妻子合影留念的. 他们在美国为孙子拍摄了一些照片.

美国有一些壮丽的山脉,但没有像开普敦的桌面一样. 这座高约1公里,长3公里的山峰是开普敦中心地区市中心的背景. Atlantic Seaboard is the viewpoint from Table Mountain from behind Lions Head Mountain, with Signal Hill Road and Robben Island at approximately 7km from the Clock Tower at the V&A Waterfront. Since these landmarks are so visible from the top of Table Mountain, there is no need to use a map, 看! The only plans that visitors should be using are Google Maps South Africa. Navigating a city like Cape Town does require expert knowledge of where it is safe to go alone and where to stay in Cape Town, 至.

Luckily, Jeff had booked at a beautiful sea resort for a day or two near the Waterfront. Their accommodation in Cape Town had provided them with the Do’s and Don’ts for staying in Cape Town, which included avoiding areas like Long St and regions near Cape Town International airport, not safe for foreigners.

The hotel was at the Waterfront, which is a relatively safe area comprising of the Greenpoint, Sea Point and Three Anchor Bay areas. Their prominence in Cape Town makes up part of the Atlantic Seaboard. 坎普斯湾和克利夫顿地区也属于大西洋沿岸地区的一部分. 桌山的美景包括大西洋海滨, 这使得Jeff和他的妻子很容易发现海滨, 像坎普斯湾的海滩, 和更多! 杰夫对参观博尔德斯海滩企鹅等地区特别感兴趣, 好望角和开普角.

这三个地区是他们在西开普省进行陆路游览的第一天. 考虑到这一点, 他们从桌山的景色中保存了照片,以显示当晚他们从缆车下车的三十人的旅游团.

从Jeff那里得知,购买Table Mountain门票的唯一途径是在线. 桌山门票(Table Mountain Tickets)之类的服务可让您全程畅游, 捆绑的缆车票. 门票已跳过高票排队的队列, 这对早起桌山起了很大的作用-强烈推荐,必不可少.

综上所述 – Jeff bought his Table Mountain tickets five days before the Cable Car in Cape Town, which saved him hours of waiting time in the line for passes. He and his wife were able to see the view from Table Mountain by exploring the area near the Upper Aerial Cableway.

Pictures taken of the Southern part of Cape Town included mainly Cape of Good Hope, 巨石滩, and other Cape Town sightseeing attractions, which he and his wife would see the next day while on tour.


Mary’s Experience

A single mother of a 5-year-old, Mary was planning on coming to Cape Town to see Table Mountain. The trip would be a long 16 hours from Ireland. That made her even more nervous because her baby was only 5 years old a the time. She started searching online for things to do in Cape Town and came across Table Mountain National Park, only a 20 minutes drive from Cape Town City Centre. That finding made her excited, she wondered how she was going to ascend the 330 million years old mountain in time for the morning with her baby. 5-year-olds take time to get organized – or so she thought. Waiting on her plans to form a concrete idea, she took the initiative to buy Table Mountain tickets online as a bundled pass.

Her first choice of Table Mountain tickets was the website found here at TableMountainTickets.com because there was so much information on the Cable Car available, including Aerial Cableway, 小时, 次, cost, and how to get there for 2020. 门票包括指南和其他信息,如果她没有在Google.com上研究“桌山门票”,她将不会事先知道。. 她很聪明, 她只有几天的时间不知道如何买票; 该网站提供了所有数据,供您选择是现在购买还是以后购买. 开普敦天气变化迅速, 这就是为什么她选择购买, 考虑到据称接下来几天会下雨, 她想等一下. 那天早晨实际上是晴天, 但即使预报说下雨, 她听说开普敦一天四个季节. 可能令人兴奋, 玛丽想在开普敦天气晴朗的时候买票.

在观察开普敦天气之后, 她买了票 3 她到达开普敦后的几天. 即使早晨下雨, 1毫米的雨没有使她晕倒, 她观察到开普敦天气迅速变化的前一天. 桌山拥有自己的气候, 而且因为她一直住在山腰上,可以欣赏滨水区的景色, 魔鬼峰, 和开普敦中心区, 她选择用耳朵玩,看看当天的天气. 三天后,她早上好,去开普敦参观缆车, 天气尽可能好, 她选择在早上使用桌山门票. 通行证有效期自 8:30 我要 1:00 下午, 这时她需要为下午的缆车购买一张新的桌山门票. Morning tickets were not valid after 1:00 pm anyways – she thought so better to use it in the morning while it’s still fresh, and the line to the Aerial Cableway is shorter.

Her baby was ready at 7:00 是, and it only took a few minutes by Uber to reach the Lower Aerial Cableway, she searched on Google.co.za the night before. Also, online was available information on the opening times of the Cable Car, which she would not have known otherwise if she did not search “Table Mountain tickets.” The job was done, and she and her five years old boarded the cable car with the electronic tickets that they had received the night before. It only took 24 hours for her to receive the tickets by email, but she didn’t check because she had been so busy with things like Boulders Beach and the penguins of Simons Town. The previous day she was shopping at the Waterfront and looking for something to buy for her five-year-old, including stuffed toys and other souvenirs at shops like the PnP market.

The Upper Aerial Cableway was busy, 她发现自己面对许多人, 所有的人都有使用缆车票登上桌山空中索道的想法. 他们在那里拍照留念,做着和她一样的事情, 只是她更加了解缆车的时间,并且知道在人群山桌山的门票对她的回程有效之前要提早离开,所以她迟迟不会去 10:00 是. 在这之后, 人群聚集, 而且她在返回桌山的旅程中会有所延迟. Her five-year-old was well behaved the whole way. After Table Mountain, Mary wanted to skype call her family and friends in Ireland, so she set up a phone call with the sim card that she had purchased at Vodacom the night before at V&A Waterfront. The 4g connection was kind enough to host an HD video call from the Lower Aerial Cable Car using their Wifi. Free Wifi was available at the Lower Aerial Cableway, 这样玛丽就可以轻松地为其爱尔兰的家人进行免费视频通话. 她在桌山的城市观光巴士站停下来,向家人展示通往信号山和狮子头的路, 以及桌山北壁和缆车. 家人对桌山的震惊, 新的之一 7 自然奇观, 可以在空中将近1公里的地方架设空中索道. 由于它周围 10:00 是, 玛丽决定与她五岁的孩子一起回到她的酒店,在自助餐区享用早午餐. 玛丽旅行前想知道在开普敦应该住哪里, 她通过Booking.com在塔菲堡的山坡上找到了一个舒适的地方. 因为玛丽原本计划在淡季旅行,所以这笔价钱实在太便宜了, much cheaper than it would have been during Cape Town summer months, December to January. Hosting visitors during this time would be harder as locals on Airbnb find it challenging to keep up with the demand for accommodation in Cape Town. Best that Mary had booked her stay for the off-season months!



Pat was in Cape Town with her husband last winter. They saw some things to do in Cape Town, like hiking, but none appeared more appealing than the one and only Table Mountain. Natural Parks are always an excellent choice of things to do in Cape Town and especially that they found some time during winter with clear skies. 开普敦冬季的天气通常很冷,但不要下雨或多云. 帕特接下来要做的就是购买桌山门票! 太好了–是一天开始寻找通行证的一种方式. 她在黑暗的地方上网搜索容易获得的机票, 可惜, 没有.
直到她找到TableMountainTickets.com网站! 该网站是在合理的价格在线购买桌山门票的最简单方法,并且捆绑包含通行证. 门票与服务一起出售, and she readily accepted. Pat was smart because she knew that Cape Town could be a little on the dangerous side. 桌山门票’ website provided first-hand information on everything she needed to cover her Table Mountain trip. That left only one thing to do in Cape Town.
下一个, she decided on a date to board the Cable Car with the tickets. A day not too hot yet not too cold would be perfect for spending a day on the mountain. Table Mountain Café was open most days, and they thought they could have a hot drink on top of the hill and take the free Table Mountain tour. So they planned ahead and checked Cape Town weather. It was not long before they came across reports for the next day being sunny enough and also fitting to their plans for the afternoon. They thought that if they took the Cable Car in the afternoon around 5pm, then they would be there for sunset at 7pm.
Cable Car closes at around 7-8pm, so they thought that it would make an ideal time for picture taking. 开普敦的日落特别独特, 或者他们听到了, 所以他们在下午5点出发乘坐缆车. 到达那里对他们的酒店交通工具感到舒适, Google Maps South Africa使得寻找售票亭变得更加容易, 他们发现他们不需要排队等候,因为他们已经通过此网站在线购买了门票. 这种节省时间的活动可以节省 2 小时. 票务线是空的, 但这是因为开普敦的冬天比平常更冷, 而且很酷.
缆车已准备好在较低的空中缆车道上搭乘, 和帕特, 想等她丈夫, 从下面拍了几张索道的照片, 朝上. 桌山从开普敦(Cape Town)下方无限制地俯瞰. 桌山3公里长的公寓和高1公里的高耸建筑,是在她的丈夫和她一起乘坐缆车前拍照时拍摄的 4 ½分钟. 360-degree rotating platform and the opportunity to snap photos along the way helped this couple establish their surroundings and view the V&A Waterfront from above Cape Town on the Cable Car.
Upper Cable Car was no different, there were views of Table Mountain in all directions. It was afternoon, and Pat made the decision to grab some lunch at the café, a restaurant on top of Table Mountain with a buffet section and some delicious food! Pat’s husband joined along, and they ate outside at the highest restaurant in Cape Town. It was a fantastic experience, and Pat cherished this view for a long, long time. Next was to explore the top of the mountain and to meet the Dassies. Little furry creatures like Dassies take all the photos and sun on top of Table Mountain. Dassies bath in the sun and make for excellent photography. They like the sun, eating, drinking, and taking photos with the tourists in exchange for some food. Luckily Pat still had some leftover snacks, so she fed the Dassies a bit too early before reading the sign. No feeding Dassies allowed on Table Mountain National Park. 为什么? Because they bite humans.
To finish off the day, Pat and her husband took some photos near the Upper Aerial Cableway and set up their camera for a majestic sunset over Cape Town, Atlantic Seaboard. The views were great, and the evening was much more beautiful than they thought. After a quick catch up with the sun, they headed down Table Mountain in the Cable Car with their return tickets. Short lines made it easier to get down Table Mountain, and they left a suggested 10 minutes after sunset was finished, therefore avoiding the masses of people which headed down after them for the last cable car down. Perfect choice for those short of time or who want to experience the most cost-effective and time-saving Table Mountain tickets. No doubt, Pat had fun with her husband while taking in the safety precautions on top of the national park. Beautiful, isn’t it – she thought. There was so much time for photos and to enjoy the beauty as well as take photos. Made possible with the help of Table Mountain Tickets, an updated source of information made available online to all who seek the keywordsTable Mountain Tickets.
After all of that, they headed back to their hotel in the CBD of Cape Town and enjoyed South African wine on their view porch. Just what their wine tour guide had advised them to go after a long day trip in Cape Town. 下次他们计划在早上见到桌山时,因为那是因为他们听说开普敦的天气最好,而且所有Dassies都在移动! 清晨野生动物也外出觅食, 甚至小鸟都唱着快乐的乐曲.



来自英国的James及其家人正在考虑将开普敦作为他们的下一个度假胜地. 幸运的是,他们在桌山缆车上遇到了信息. 开普敦景点玩乐之一, 因此,詹姆斯着手研究桌山门票的更多问题, 次, 和小时. 不久之后,他就进入了这个网站,获得了购买卡所需的所有信息.
春天到了, 桌山空中索道刚刚从年度维修中重新开放. 那太好了,因为, 两个星期, 封闭检查. 注意到门票现在打折, 詹姆斯为家人购买了早鸟票. 总费用为 20% 比平常低, 这是正确的时机. 自通行证发出之日起七日内有效. Tickets meant that James and his family could enter Table Mountain Cable Car. Applicable up to a full week after the official pass date.
Weather in Cape Town changes frequently, or so James read, so it was up to him to choose the right day to visit the national park. On the morning of his pass, the family readied the car to go to Table Mountain. Busy was the line at the Lower Aerial Cableway because it was spring, and people wanted to go up early. So too was James and his family overwhelmed with the number of people boarding the cable car. By the time they got there, it was 7:30 是. The first time that the cable car goes up with passengers and staff.
With these tickets, James got the best view of Table Mountain, 开普敦, and the surrounding Atlantic Seaboard. His family snapped some excellent photos too from above the ground. A car parked on the road just below the Lower Aerial Cableway, his family was able to spot the hotel which they booked on Devils Peak mountain. Three hundred sixty degrees later and lots of burst shorts, the family was at the top of Table Mountain. The son, youngest age 4, did not need a Table Mountain ticket. It was his birthday, and co-incidentally the Aerial Cableway did not need his card.
Four and a half minutes of the spectacular ride took this family to the top of Table Mountain, near the Café and restaurant. 从那里, they ate breakfast at the restaurant. It was cheap and early, so they would not have been able to find breakfast so quickly. The Table Mountain staff directed them to the nearest place to eat in Cape Town, which so happened to up on the mountain. Table Mountain tickets in hand, the family navigated the mountain to secure their return place on the Cable Car. They had a tour booked for the afternoon to Simons Town and Penguins.
The beach they heard was near Cape Point, a famous nature reserve on the southern side of Cape Town. Filled with African Penguins, the beach was a popular tourist destination in Cape Town, 南非. Able to get down the mountain early because of the low number of people waiting for the Cable Car, tickets for Table Mountain afforded them the time they needed to go back to their hotel and change before heading out to Boulders Beach on the next tour time with their booking agent. Penguins were ready, they were on point and looked at the camera just like they had done before. As one of the most popular places in Cape Town, Boulders Beach was the most attractive place to go and see wildlife.
Since the drive was long, James and his family had just come from Tafelburg Road, down the Atlantic, all the way past Chapmans Peak Drive, to the Cape Colony (巨石滩). 这 1 hour plus ride had them sore from the whole day driving. 然而, they had gotten in the essential thing in the day, which was Table Mountain Cable Car and the tickets which accompanied their purchase with the website. Now they were finished for the day and wanted to relax at one of Cape Town coastal areas. They rested for a while before heading to Camps Bay for dinner along the beachfront, where there were lots of choices for places to eat in Cape Town. Seafood was their choice of dinner because of restaurants like the Codfather, Café Caprice, and other excellent options of Cape Town eats, delicious food awaits!
Now that they f dinner, they wanted to do something relaxing; Table Mountain tickets had served them well to get up and down the Aerial Cableway. 然而, they still had not experienced Robben Island, too much for one day. 仍然, they had an idea to go to V&A Waterfront with the boats and rides. The V&A London Eye wheel was the landmark for the Waterfront. They had heard the trips there gave a bird’s eye view of Cape Town and Table Mountain, so James took his family to the V&A Waterfront ride. Now on most days, the V&A would be busy. 仍然, they had got an early start during the morning to Table Mountain, so it was easy to hop in the car and take a drive from what would have been a packed main road and drive through to the V&A Waterfront. 下一个, they had the views which they were supposed to at the V&A Waterfront through the wheel and took some fantastic photos of the surrounding Cape Town.
从那里, the family was quickly able to get back to their hotel as the night had come, and James was concerned over his family and safety in Cape Town. James had read that it was best to go back after dark in Cape Town because of the safety issues and to make things better for getting up the next day. The next day the family headed out to Robben Island as planned, 那是开普敦的又一个春天. 天气之前还挺好的, 詹姆斯喜欢 4 回家之前的一个小时罗本岛之旅. 詹姆斯一直记得开普敦的统治, 安全第一, 这使他的家人避免了在天黑后呆太长时间并帮助他在开普敦感到更安全的风险.


Ann’s Experience

在此期间 夏季, 开普敦变得很忙. 安从奥地利抵达, 想要得到她的鸭子 连续. 下周为桌山缆车排队, 安开始了 计划她的新旅行 7 自然奇观. 她检查了时间, 营业时间, 和桌山门票. 一切都井然有序,直到她发现有多困难 是从总是增加她数据销售量的供应商那里获得门票.

因此 安想选择一个预订代理,但不选择她所有的私人数据 并且不会以不安全的方式存储它. 那是她在浏览博客时 在线信息. 桌山门票网站就是那个解决方案; 她 找到有关桌山门票的所有信息, 电缆 汽车, 和桌山, 包括费用 2020. 门票可用 溢价. 仍然, 她没有注意寻找其他地方的信息, 她也不需要将其详细信息提交给非政府组织.

表 她选择了Mountain Tickets作为购买索道的最佳解决方案 通过. 因此, 她做出了明智的选择,并为 接下来的一周. 确认是即时的, 但她担心机票定单 未收到. 那是桌山门票与 自动回复. 门票正在处理中 24 小时. That was great because she could go about her Cape Town trip with her fellow backpackers and sightsee the many attractions in Cape Town. Waterfront was 1st on her list of things to do in Cape Town, so she headed off for dinner on the V&一个.

Coming home later she received an email with her Table Mountain tickets. It was for the following week, but it was all in order and organized by the booking agent who carefully considered her reference of times, day, and the weather. The agent also shared some information on the best ticket usage and instructions for rebooking passes. Seven days later and Ann was on the Cable Car, such a fantastic experience. She only waited in line for up to half an hour on the day because the Aerial Cableway had a separate line for those with Table Mountain tickets. That means she skipped the long 2 hours line by buying her tickets online. Just wait till her friends heard about her experience on top of the mountain. It was so easy for her to get ahead of the crowd and new summit the Table Top. Tickets for Table Mountain was even more preferential to get in advance because of the heat of summer and the people at the bottom when she got to the top, experienced the most weather during the mid-morning. In the Cable, Car Ann had the chance to photograph Cape Town from a 360-degree angle.

Cable Car has a rotating floor in all directions. That is why bringing a camera is essential for a day on Table Mountain. With tickets in hand, there is not much to concern over because of the availability of information and also the helpful articles, blog posts, and experiences on the Table Mountain Tickets website. After Table Mountain was over, Ann decided to use her return tickets to the Cable Car for her journey down. Four hours was the time from when she started until the time that she was ready to go down again to the bottom. It was a short line to get down because the Cable Car fits almost 70 人. Ann was one of the first people to get down, as well as upon the day. If Ann had started any later, the lines for Table Mountain Cable Car would have been long, and getting tickets late would mean that she would have waited in line.

After Table Mountain, Ann decided to go to Robben Island. The island tour took another 4 小时, which was perfect for filling a day in Cape Town. Ferries to Robben Island depart every few hours, that is why recommended to do Table Mountain in the morning as opposed to in the afternoon. Ann went to the Waterfront directly from the Lower Aerial Cable Car, an excellent choice because summer in Cape Town was rather hot. 30 degrees Celsius is the average temperature during summer months in the Western Cape, so she brought a hat and sunscreen. The boat was shaded but on the island there was so much more heat than in the city. Trees cover a part of Robben Island, so to experience the tour without dehydrating in the heat.

Returning from Robben Island tour, Table Mountain sunset was starting to go down beyond the Atlantic Seaboard. Robben Island had finished, but that did not mean that Ann could not go out and explore. Table Mountain tickets used, and with a long day, Ann returned to her hostel to meet up with her friends and discuss the nighties. She was staying in Kloof Street at one of the popular backpackers. There are several backpackers in Kloof Street, and the road is within proximity to the mountain. All the easier if she was looking to hike Table Mountain the next day. 还有其他计划, 她和她的朋友们想在长街上聚会. 如果Ann在一个小组里,那是个好主意, 如果她独自一人,这是一个可怕的主意. 这就是为什么她决定和小组一起去喝些饮料的原因。 长街浴场对面的主要道路. 打包的方法,因为它是一个 星期五晚上.

保持 安全, 安把她的智能手机放在口袋里, 她用桌山门票 以及罗本岛渡轮通行证. She made things easy and helped her feel safe after she went out with her friends. All the better to have a good day in Cape Town, Western Cape.

To summarise the above, 通过服务的预先计划,使安的体验变得更加轻松 像桌山门票. 她的经历, 像许多其他人一样, 被改善了 网站上的文章和有帮助的人的有用建议 之前经历过同样的事情.



那是前一天晚上在开普敦, 而且不知道桌山空中索道第二天是否开放, 马修用手机检查索道第二天是否开放. 预料到这一点, 他搜索了 “开普敦天气” 因为开普敦的天气决定缆车在特定的一天是开放的还是由于大风而关闭, 雨, 和/或不利的天气条件. 伟大的! 它说, “阳光明媚, 晴朗的天空,风速适中, 30 度数”.
这意味着缆车将打开. 下一个, 马修需要找出一整天是晴天还是一天中的任何时候下雨. 如果在下雨, 然后必须及时使用早上或下午到期的车票.
桌山提供两种类型的门票, 早上和下午. 因此,马修(Matthew)两次检查了开普敦的天气,这是最合适的时间,以便提前在线购买Table Mountain Cableway的门票.
早票有效期至 1:00 下午, so he thought that it would be possible to get the tickets first thing in the morning before the line gets long, or he could buy it online now to save time in the queue.
Because Matthew was with a guest, he decided to buy the tickets online at Table Mountain Tickets. The only place online where tickets information is available in abundance for visitors.
The process of buying tickets was smooth, and all Matthew has to do was fill out the intended date, time, and make payment online using PayPal, a secure checkout using his Credit Card.
Now that payment was made, Matthew wanted to get confirmation that his tickets were being ordered. Luckily the tickets came with a message stating that the tickets were being procured and would be provided within 24 小时. 伟大的, he thought, but the card should be for tomorrow, how am I to get the ticket in time for the Cable Car? That is when Table Mountain Tickets sent the confirmation email with the ticket’s barcode almost immediately.
Tickets in hand, Matthew wanted to print out his passes for the Cable Car so that he would know that they were safe. Printed passes are better than phone passes because they allow emergencies incase the phone died or broke.
Finding a print shop was easy for Matthew, even at this late hour, tickets could be printed by his hotel, making it a convenient way to assure him that he would have passes for the next day. Looking forward to this expedition, he excitedly put the tickets in his pocket and decided to go to sleep. The very next day, he woke up early to beat the queue at Table Mountain. After a well-rested sleep, he packed his bag with lots and lots of supplies. Water, a light jacket and sunscreen were a must, as well as a hat to keep the sun off of his eyes. The camera phone was excellent, so he just took it along.
With a backpack in hand, he headed out the door to go to Table Mountain. Uber arrived reasonably quickly after he opened his phone up outside to order a regular taxi ride. The driver arrived within minutes, and he greeted him to the car as they confirmed the destination, “桌山,” they both agreed. Matthew, wanting to establish, said, “Aerial Cableway.The driver nodded.
Heading there was not long, 也许 20 minutes from Cape Town City Centre. There was even a part that passed by the Lion’s Head and signals hill turn-off. That was easy! Now for the hard part, the driver said he was not from Cape Town, so Matthew hoped that he would know where to get off for the Cable Car. Zimbabwe drivers are standard in Cape Town as well as other North African countries, as Matthew learned from his airport shuttle driver many days earlier. To keep an eye on it, Matthew kept his smartphone out with Google Maps to Table Mountain Aerial Cableway. It was easy to find it because the Cableway was 1km further down the road from where the Table Mountain Road turned to the left from Kloof Nek Road. When he arrived, the Table Mountain Aerial Cableway was preparing to open. 这 7:30 am staff cable car had left up, 然后他被留下作为下空中索道,想知道他应该怎么做. 有一个售票处和一个红色巴士的标志, 接下来, 他在寻找其他符号. “售票处,” 远处有个迹象, 但只要他看到, 还有另一个迹象. “有票” 和 “没有门票。” 队列越来越长, 他以为再过一个小时就满了, 所以他离开去了,提示说: “带票。” 那是正确的选择,因为又过了半个小时,售票队列已满. 人太多了,成群的游客涌向下空中索道.
由于宣传桌山(Table Mountain)作为新州的国际地位,当月的开普敦(Cape Town)吸引了大量游客 7 自然奇观,温暖的晴天没有云. 马修(Matthew)读到,几天来,乌云笼罩着桌山,这就是所谓的 “桌布,” 合适的名字, 但是今天它很明亮而且有很好的理由. 那是一个旱季.
The dry season is ten months out of the year, 因此,马修(Matthew)认为,那时是计划游览开普敦的绝佳时机. 雨季是六月至七月, 如果有人想去开普敦,那不是一个很棒的季节, 无论是工作还是度假.
考虑到这一点, 他作为新装修的桌山缆车的第一批乘客出发. 在宣布之前,有70名乘客将缆车装满了满载。, “远离门, 请。” 关门, 他起来了. 4 ½ minutes later, 在壮观的往返旅程中,他到达了缆车的顶部,缆车的地板旋转了整整一圈。 360 学位. 除直升机之旅外,所有方向都提供了在开普敦无法看到的有利位置. 那意味着这张票物有所值! A card for less than the cost of a helicopter tour with more view and time at the top than any other in Cape Town.