帕特里克从国外来访; 他想做桌山一日游. 他的朋友正在寻找在开普敦要做的事情, 太. 然而, 他们只能等着帕特里克在网上找到信息. 帕特里克(Patrick)不断搜索信息,但, 他只能在缆车上看到点点滴滴的数据, 次, 营业时间, 和桌山门票的费用 2020. 令他沮丧的是, 空中索道缺乏购买桌山门票的必要步骤的信息. 当他的一位朋友跟着他跟进桌山一日游的进度时,这让他更加沮丧. 帕特里克(Patrick)唯一能做的就是在网上寻找桌山(Table Mountain)门票的信息源,并可以选择购买一日游通票,作为捆绑到雄伟山脉的通行证.
帕特里克找到了桌山门票网站, 与它, 他需要的所有信息. 他的朋友们, 十人一组, 在过渡期间焦急地等待着他的信息. 别无选择, 帕特里克(Patrick)和他的朋友们转发了该网站, 他们开始交谈,发现桌山门票网站上的信息对于计划前往开普敦桌山国家公园的旅行至关重要. 桌山空中索道正计划即将举行的活动,其中包括缆车的日落门票. 然而, 帕特里克(Patrick)只想让他的朋友上架高空缆车,然后下车进行最后一次骑行 8 夏季下午. 缆车将停止运营 8:00 活动的后三天下午, 这就是为什么帕特里克在下午的时间提前购买桌山门票的原因, CPT前三天.
门票是通过捆绑购买(如桌山门票)在线购买的. 购买后,帕特里克的所有问题都有机会得到解答. 包括桌山门票的费用在内的问题 2020 和价格,以团体上乘缆车, 学生优惠, 还有老人, 高级折扣. 可以在空中缆车上购买绿卡, 但由于帕特里克不是南非公民, 所以他选择做常规的事情,并购买一张通票的缆车通行证. 没有一个更好的选择让他作为一个整体可以在线输入他的信用卡详细信息,因为该网站接受了两张信用卡, 贝宝, 和其他选择. 美元甚至被拿走, 很棒, 考虑到大多数人在来到南非之前要么兑换成美元,要么在使用美元卡, 如美国运通, 万事达, 和签证. 桌山门票可以用任何货币购买,因为该网站为来自世界各地的旅行者提供选择, 商家帐户仅收取转换费, 银行, 或卡提供商. 欧元也是另一个受欢迎的地方,就是在中国银行兑换桌山门票甚至人民币的货币。, 万事达, 或微信支付账户.
帕特里克(Patrick)从他的朋友那里收取了钱,并以成本价购买了十张桌山门票, 比在网上搜寻不可靠的信息源要少. 桌山门票还包括桌山地图和主要服务,此外还包括获得山门票的增值服务. 其他内容包括桌山野生动物和饮食场所的信息, 喝, 开普敦购物. 信息甚至包括罗本岛上令人期待的事实, 滨水区, 和开普敦的其他著名景点. 网站的行程中还建议观光, 包括好望角, 巨石滩, 和开普敦的其他地标, 开普敦最佳景点玩乐, 至. After Patrick received the cards, the next step was to check that the date on the tickets matched the data entered online. That was okay because Patrick saw that the year was for three days from the date that he purchased the tickets for the cable car in Cape Town. His friends were arriving for the next few days, and he, wanting to get things organized, checked over the information on the Cable Car, 空中索道, and Table Mountain with a toothpick of attention sorting all info wisely.
The day came, and Patrick retrieved his Table Mountain tickets online with the barcode to enter via the Cableway. Table Mountain needed passengers on that day to take the Lower Aerial Cablecar to the Upper Aerial Cablecar with little or no delay, so that is why reminders were sent out the day before on proper boarding safety for Table Mountain including what to avoid on Table Mountain. Muggings and Dassies biting man were often happening at that time; although muggings had subsided quite drastically, Dassies were still on the move and a prominent threat on Table Mountain. Visitors of the park would be having a lovely walk along the top of the mountain when all of a sudden – Bam. A dassie would walk along the path and chase them for their food, drinks, or candy. Dassies would not often bite humans, but because they were starving, they would hunt them until the humans would drop the package. Don’t lose the Table Mountain tickets, Patrick thought, all the better that they are in an electronic version, printable but yet still redeemable via the free pass on Table Mountain tickets.
综上所述, Patrick had a good day on the mountain with the help of Table Mountain Tickets. 他在网站上和其他地方找到的信息有助于他选择在正确的时间和正确的价格预订缆车. 桌山空中索道当时正在举办活动, 所以早点买票. 游戏开始之前到达那里, 帕特里克(Patrick)可以看到桌山(Table Mountain)的景色. 在新事物之上体验自然 7 自然奇观并拍照.